PLSO The Oregon Surveyor Sept/Oct 2020

24 Vol. 43, No. 5 The Oregon Surveyor  | The Lost Surveyor Continued from page 23 T in mind that the scenes are from the ac- tual corner location. Additionally, as you will see, there are even artistic touches to his CAD generated surveys. Born in Seoul, South Korea, in April 1952 and majoring in fine arts at the University of Oregon, Leroy found his way to survey- ing in the mid ‘70s. Leroy is remembered as a true surveyor at heart by his survey- ing peers in Hood River. They provided the following to me: “Leroy Daley startedworkingwith theHood River County Public Works department in the mid ‘70s as an Engineering Tech- nician. He was known for his attention to detail on county projects and with his personal life. He was a natural surveyor, not focusing on sitting for the state exam, or working toward professional advance- ment, but working toward perfection in the field of surveying. A rare individu - al, Leroy had a firm grasp on technical detail and a creative side, displaying his fine art on most surveys of record, no - tably drawing scenes on location when he was surveying for the county. It was a real treat retracing one of Leroy’s sur- veys and looking for his impressions of a section corner, fence line, bearing tree, or simply the view of Mt. Hood on the page of a survey. He had a vast knowl- edge of county land and roads and we feel lucky to have known him. He was a good person to know for all things Hood River County.” Many folks contributed to this article. First, thank you to John Petshow, a Clark College Surveying & Geomatics graduate now employed with the forest service in northeast Washington, for bringing these works of art to the attention of Tim Kent, who then pushed this idea forward to get this article published. Additional thanks to surveyors Roy Gaylord and Erik Carlson, and county surveyors past and present Brad Cross, Randy Johnston, and Richard Arnold, who all helped to fill in the piec - es of Leroy’s career and performed the research to bring these maps to The Or- egon Surveyor pages. Enjoy!  x Please visit our website at OctTOS-Bonus-Material/ to see more surveys drawn by Leroy Daley. To read more about the life story of Leroy Daley and see a photo of him, visit: https://memorials.andersonstributecenter . com/leroy-daley/3421962/obituary.php