PLSO Oregon Surveyor July/August 2020
5 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | From the PLSO Office Process is something the board of direc- tors have been discussing and working on for over a year. Our Operations Manual and Bylaws are not up to date with how PLSO functions in today’s world. This is a current project so that the overall mem- bership may approve it. Strategic planning has been on the lips of the board for quite some time. The current work for the next three years is to focus on Membership, Promoting the Profession, and Improving Leadership in the Organi- zation. For this to be successful, it needs to include many cooks to take control of specific projects that feed into these areas, which in turns serves our overall mission (stated above). As mentioned by AMA, “If you have a common vision and a common mission and the people can see how their work is linked to some larger good, then a real transition will occur.” Believe it or not, structure is also an area that has been under discussion. Does the current structure of the board foster di- versity of thought? If we were to change the requirements to be on the board, how would that look? These are all ques- tions PLSO has been discussing. While the process isn’t a quick one, and noth- ing would change without approval of the membership, it’s always good to as- sess if the structure of our organization is adapting to a modern business culture, especially when we are so often installing the same board volunteers because no- body else will step up. The last area mentioned is probably the most impactful during COVID-19, which is technology. The board has been meet- ing via teleconference as well as the Blue Mountain and Central chapters. To be pro- active, the Conference Committee, led by Jered McGrath, has begun looking at how technology can bring us all together for an event as big as our Annual Conference. If we are experiencing a second pandemic wave, how can we ensure that the confer- ence continues to offer quality PDH hours, raise money for our scholarship program and outreach activities, and create meet ups with exhibitors as well as old friends and new colleagues? PLSO is contractedwith the SalemConven- tion Center for the next three years. The venue is currently on schedule to re-open inAugust, and they areworking closelywith the Oregon Health Authority and Gover- nor’s Office to ensure they are following all necessary health requirements. As of June 19, 2020, Marion County has moved into Phase 2. Logic would say that they will be in Phase 3 by the time the convention rolls around. But you know what they say about change. Therefore, we are looking at optional ways to serve everyone. This may include a hybrid of in-person and vid- eo sessions and online auction activity. Right now, we’re researching presentation options as we talk to potential speakers. A survey was emailed to you mid-July to ascertain how we should begin planning and if PLSO should invest time and mon- ey into virtual conference options. If you haven’t responded, please do so. It’s im- portant. No matter what happens in the coming months, rest assured, PLSO has only the best interests of our members at the heart of ever decision we make. Thank you for continuing to be a mem- ber of this great association. You are part of what makes it a pleasure to serve this community. x
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