PLSO Oregon Surveyor Nov/Dec 2019
9 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | 2020 Annual Conference T he Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon is heading back to Portland this year for its annual conference and I hope you’re already mentally planning on making the trip. For many of PLSO’s members, working in and around Oregon’s largest metro area is standard practice. For many others, a “trip to the city” is regarded as highly as a trip to the dentist, doc- tor, or tax man. It may be required, but not pleasant. We are hopeful that by teaming again with the Sheraton Ho- tel and Conference center at PDX, this will make all your discomforts go away and you can enjoy a nice three-day gathering with some of the foremost like-minded individuals in the state. We have put together another great schedule of events bringing in some highly regarded national speakers and some home-grown past presenters, who pack the presentation rooms by deliv- ering fascinating topics and stories. We do pride ourselves on being able to pro- vide a robust lineup of presenters and a larger variety of classes to choose from. The PLSO Conference Schedule of events contains more options than 90% of oth- er state conferences out there and we don’t plan on changing that one bit. We do understand that the perfect lineup of classes you want to see may not align perfectly with your particular preferenc- es on the day of the event, but as we juggle presenters schedules, classroom sizes and try to make each session flow from one to the next, we hope that you will be able to find an enjoyable mixture of presentations that suits your person- al educational needs. When looking at the schedule, you will see that we have Kristopher Kline back this year to present on Wednesday and Thursday. He will be discussing some hot button items such as how to fix a bound- ary line and what to do with an unusual easement. He has authored some fantas- tic books on these subjects, so be sure to check out his classes if the subject mat- ter fits your needs. We also have Jason Foose, a prolific writer for “The Ameri- can Surveyor,” here to discuss our very own Dykes V. Arnold Case from Oregon and provide a presentation on the defi- nition of “Half.” Not to be missed is one of our very own local experts who (in my humble opinion) is doing more for the collection of Oregon surveyors now and in the future thanmany who came before him. This expert is the one and only, Bri- an Portwood, who will be speaking twice regarding both the current Volume One and the forthcoming Volume Two of “The Land Surveyor’s Guide to the Supreme Court of Oregon,” which will be avail- able for sale through PLSO once again, just like the first volume. If you don’t al- ready own Volume One of this fantastic guide to Oregon court cases, which was debuted at last year’s conference, it’s avail- able online in the PLSO store. Brian’s talk will focus on the first two volumes, but he will provide a brief update to the on- going process of tackling this projected four volume Guide at Lunch Wednesday. If AutoCAD Civil 3d is something you cur- rently use or your associates use, I would highly recommend checking out Rick El- lis’s Class lineup on Friday. Rick is a local expert trainer and consultant on Auto- CAD Civil 3d and many other AutoCAD products and has presented at other state societies as well as the coveted Au- todesk University Conference. I could go on and on about somany of the fantastic presenters we have coming this year, but I will leave the rest to your own research at or feel free to shoot me an email. Registra- tion went live in November for Early Bird Registration, as we fill in the last few gaps in the schedule and get all the speaker Bio’s and class descriptions posted. The website gets updated as soon as we receive information, so be sure to keep checking for updates as the conference draws near. We understand that there are other op- tions out there for you to turn to for PDH’s, but we always strive to achieve a highly competitive cost to benefit ratio for the conference, and to provide the best networking event in the state for surveyors. So please plan to attend and swap stories, compare notes and gener- ally invest back into yourself, along with the collective group of likeminded indi- viduals. We truly appreciate those who choose to make the PLSO conference their main event for continuing education. You can make discounted hotel reserva- tions online until January 13 at conference as well. On a closing operational note, we will have final conference schedules printed at the front registration desk when you check in. If you are planning on attend- ing, I encourage you to not only spend the night in Portland but to stick around for the Auction Dinner Thursday night. Our Auction Chair, Gary Johnston, puts a lot of work into raising money each year for scholarships and outreach activities. So be sure to attend and help raise a little money for our professional community. Finally, I sincerely hope that the past year has been good to one and all, as well as our industry and profession as a whole, and I really hope to catch up with many of you at the conference. Like minded or not. Cheers. x Please plan to attend and swap stories, compare notes and generally invest back into yourself, along with the collective group of likeminded individuals. We truly appreciate those who choose to make the PLSO conference their main event for continuing education.
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