PLSO Oregon Surveyor Nov/Dec 2019
27 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | The Lost Surveyor Image 3 Image 4 Lots of history here and of course when you tire of the history there are also great brew pubs and food to check out. (Image 1) March–April, 2015: Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge is located in Sellwood. Go for a stroll around the natural area and watch for deer, birds, and other wildlife right in the heart of the city. (Image 2). May–June, 2015, Cover Photo : Check out the St Johns Bridge. Cathedral Park is lo- cated under the east end of the bridge and is the center of many photograph- ic endeavors focused on its iconic arches which support the bridge. At the west end is the famous Forest Park and Wildwood Trail offering a leisurely 30-mile hike from one end to the other or many shorter hik- ing opportunities. (Image 3) May–June, 2017 : Oregon City and the home of John B Preston. Preston resided in Ore- gon City while establishing the Initial Point of the Willamette Meridian. As you might recall from earlier this year another Lost Surveyor, Justin Chenoweth, spent time in Oregon City while commuting between there and The Dalles area. Oregon City is home to some great history and some great restaurants if you have time to check it out. September–October, 2017, Cover Photo : Of course from the conference site it’s easy to make a quick trip through the gorge and hike to Triple Falls or many other destina- tions. Along theway youwill findMultnomah Falls, one of the most popular tourist des- tinations in Oregon. (Image 4) November–December 2017: Spend an ex- tra day and check out the popular 4T Trail around Portland. The 4T trail is home to the Elizabeth Caruthers Donation Land Claim which made Supreme Court his- tory with regards to women’s rights and land ownership. Whatever your interest or no matter how much time you have to spend outside of the conference, come to Portland and reunite with your fellow surveyors and col- leagues. In the spirit of Hall Jackson Kelley see the Northwest corner of Oregon and check out what it and the PLSO Conference has to offer. Kelley was a teacher, so bring your technicians and introduce them to their counterparts. Show them the many benefits PLSO and the Young Surveyors Network have to offer. x
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