PLSO May June 2019

19 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | Government Relations I t was about noon on Saturday, and one by one, relieved-looking exam- inees began filtering into Gilgamesh Brewing for a well deserved pint. These individuals had just taken the challeng- ing step of sitting for their PLS exam. As the table started to fill up, conversation about the test, careers, and life started to fill the room. Post exammeetups have been one of the most productive outreach events for the OrYSN. It is a fun and easy way for mem- bers to meet up. OSBEELS has been very generous to us by announcing the event and handing out event fliers to test tak- ers. There was a great turnout this spring. Overall, we had 12 people in attendance, and had four new people sign up for the organization. The OrYSN provided appe- tizers for all who attended. One of the most noteworthy differences this year was that we actually had two people join us from different states! One was from Colorado and the other was from Mon- tana. It was fun to get to visit with them and we were glad that they took the op- portunity to join us. I hope that they will seek out their respective professional organizations and maybe be inspired by the OrYSN. By the time this article comes out the the test takers will most likely have re- ceived their test scores. For any of them that might be reading this I hope you achieved a passing score! For those of you that are on the OrYSN email list, keep an eye on your inboxes as there will soon be information about the upcom- ing summer meetup in July in Portland. If you would like to be included on the OrYSN email list please email me at [email protected]. For those of you who are taking the test this Fall, I hope to see you at the next post exam meetup. If you know of someone who is taking the test this fall please encourage them to attend our event. Finally, if you have employees that fall into the “Young Surveyor” category please mention our organization to them. Maybe drag them to a PLSO chapter meeting! x OrYSN Corner On Thursday, April 11, a delegation from among the NSPS Executive Committee members were granted an audience with the White House Specialist handling infra- structure as part of the National Economic Council which is tasked to lend expertise to the President. For the better part of an hour, the NSPS delegation discussed the surveying profession’s vantage point on Infrastructure priorities with special em- phasis on State and Local coordination with USDOT. Leading up to the meeting at the White House, the Chairman of the Senate Committee which is drafting the Infrastructure Bill had briefed NSPS membership. The White House recog- nizes NSPS’ voice on Infrastructure and wants to continue to engage the Survey- ing profession with infrastructure efforts on the Hill. On Friday, April 12, Joint Government Af- fairs Committee (JGAC) Chair Pat Smith hosted the government affairs commit- tee meeting in the morning to review the JGAC report, as prepared by John M. Palatiello & Associates, which led to a summary later in the day before the NSPS Board of Directors. x For more information, contact John Byrd, NSPS Government Affairs Representative, at jbyrd@ or (703) 787-6665. By Tim Brown, PLS Passing by the newly refurbished Capitol Building on the way to the Senate offices.