PLSO The Oregon Surveyor Mar/Apr 2019

Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon Executive Secretary Aimee McAuliffe PO Box 230548 Tigard, OR 97281 503-303-1472 Toll-free: 844-284-5496 [email protected] © 2019 LLM Publications Vol. 42, No. 2 March/April 2019 A publication of the Published by LLM Publications PO Box 91099 Portland, OR 97291 503-445-2220 • 800-647-1511 Advertising Kevin Craig, [email protected] Design Benjamin Caulder, [email protected] Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon Publications Committee Greg Crites, PLS, Editor [email protected] Paul Galli • [email protected] Chuck Wiley • [email protected] John Thatcher • [email protected] Editorials From the Editor , by Greg Crites , PLS 2 From the PLSO Chairman , by Shawn Kampmann, PLS 4 From the PLSO Office, by Aimee McAuliffe 6 Articles/Sections U of O’s Observatory and Samuel Stinson Gannett 8 Book Review 14 Slow Traffic May Ease With New Initiatives 18 Robert Hofland and Plat Drafting 25 Business Ethics 26 Columns OrYSN Corner: New OrYSN Chair: Tim Brown 17 The Lost Surveyor, by Pat Gaylord , PLS 20 Announcements OSBEELS Open Board Position Announcements 24 On the Cover Mt Jefferson and the headwaters of the Metolius River near Camp Sherman, Oregon. Contents The Oregon Surveyor is a publication of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon (PLSO). It is provided as a medium for the expression of individual opinions concerning topics relating to the Land Surveying profession. Address changes & business  All notifications for changes of address, membership inquiries and PLSO business correspondence should be directed to Aimee McAuliffe, PO Box 230548, Tigard, OR 97281; 503-303-1472; [email protected]. Editorial matters & contributions of material  The Oregon Surveyor welcomes your articles, comments and photos for publication. PLSO assumes no responsibility for statements expressed in this publication. Editorial matters should be directed to Greg Crites, [email protected] . Advertising policy  Advertising content and materials are subject to approval of the PLSO Board and LLM Publications. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that simulates copy; material must be clearly marked as “Advertisement.” For advertising, contact: Kevin Craig, [email protected] ; 503-445-2222, 800-647-1511 x2222. @ORLandSurveyors The Oregon