PLSO July/August 2019
6 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 42, No. 4 Our Transparent Strategic Plan From the PLSO Office Aimee McAuliffe PLSO Exec. Secretary Accountability requires transparency. As the Strategic Plan is formed, we will be sharing it with the entire membership. I am hoping that it will inspire a new wave of volunteerism. After all, PLSO is a member driven organization. T hank you for renewing your mem- bership with PLSO this year! If you just read that sentence and realized that was the nagging thing you forgot to do this month, then better late than never. Head on over to to re- new today so this isn’t the last edition of The Oregon Surveyor to make it to your mailbox. The 2019–2020 membership year is start- ing off incredibly productive. We are on our second draft of the redesigned test site. Our partner in this, The ARRC, is an award-winning, veteran owned, on- line marketing company. They have been good about multi-generational communi- cation and understanding that we want to be appealing for our younger profes- sionals just starting out and still serve our core membership of those professionals that have been the backbone of PLSO’s activities and direction over the years. While the site will have a more modern look that is alignedwith recent rebranding efforts, information has also been con- solidated or deleted for better usability. This includes how the site will appear on mobile devices. We’ve been the benefi- ciary of some great field shots from our members. It’s no wonder I have a hard time reaching you guys in the summer months. Our next steps will be to get to a point where the Web Rebranding Task Force is comfortable building the new and im- proved web design on our live site. As with anything new, there will be a learning curve of quickly going to our favorite links again. But I promise, it’s all there. Something that complements the re- branding of our marketing collateral and website is the updating of the PLSO Stra- tegic Plan. What makes an organization not just good, but great? Strategic plan- ning can help an association be great by refocusing on its core principles and stretch itself in areas where the status quo needs to be challenged. How should PLSO focus its energy in the future to tru- ly support the professional community it serves? Our Strategic Planning Commit- tee, led by Tim Fassbender, has identified three key focal points that the updated 3-year plan will focus on that the Board of Directors has approved: 1. Membership 2. Promoting the Profession 3. Improving Leadership in the Organization On September 21, the Board of Directors and various members that have been ac- tive in helping shape PLSO over the past couple years will convene in Springfield to create the road map for the next three years regarding these three points. If you have a strong opinion about where we should focus our efforts, I encourage you to contact your Chapter President, who will be representing your region of the state in September. If you are not sure
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