PLSO Oregon Surveyor January/February 2019
Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | 5 increase the membership of our profes- sional organizations. To this end, we need to continue supporting the Oregon and NSPS Young Surveyors Networks which has grown tremendously through the tireless actions of Chris Glantz, Kelly Mill- er, Samantha Tanner and others. These young surveyors are impressive in their high standards and dedication to learn- ing and willingness to seek advice from some of us old dogs. We also have a new mobile booth and promotional materi- als that can be shipped via UPS or FedEx to anywhere in the state where needed for job fairs, schools, or other presenta- tions to the public. The Rebranding Task Force is on track this year to wrap up our website moderniza- tion improvements andmake our content more user friendly across all media for- mats including mobile devices. PLSO has been receiving accolades from NSPS for our modernization efforts and the Ore- gon Surveyor magazine was voted best in the country for content and presentation. This year the Oregon Legislature will be in full session and our hard-working lobbyist, Darrell Fuller, is keeping close tabs with Legislative Committee Chair DaveWilliams on any proposed legislation coming up that may have an effect on our profes- sion or business. Currently SB 39 is being monitored as it pertains to exemption provisions in ORS 455.062 and 672.060, as well as HB 2769 regarding changes to QBS (Quality Based Selection) contracting services and proposals with state, coun- ty and city government agencies. We will also be moving forward with up- dating the PLSO Strategic Plan which was originally created in 2002 and updated in or around 2009. It has since become somewhat dated and in need of a re- fresh to better align our goals with more modern practices and technologies that did not exist when the Plan was last re- viewed. Our updated plan will establish clear, measurable goals and objectives and be assigned champions that will follow through to evaluate progress, successes, and pitfalls and provide ac- countability as a living document that can be updated as needed through time. The Plan will be reviewed yearly by the Board to measure progress and to make revisions or changes as necessary. The plan will also be utilized as a tool to help increase membership and add younger members along with helping make PLSO a more easily recognizable organization to the public and allied professions. The Board has also identified some areas of conflict between the PLSO Operating Manual and our Bylaws which will be reviewed and have recommendations made that would require revisions for compliance. Please don’t hesitate to contact Aimee or I if you have any questions, ideas, or comments. I would also be happy to visit Chapter meetings if there is a subject that youwould like todiscusswith theBoard. x From the PLSO Chairman
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