PLSO Oregon Surveyor January/February 2019

Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | 15 PLSO Conference Chris Glantz and the people that nominated him at the Annual Young Surveyor Conference Meet-up. From Left to Right: Kelly Miller, John Thatcher, Chris Glantz, Lee Spurgeon, and Pat Gaylord. Your professional community recent- ly voted you “Surveyor of the Year” because you have not only been ex- tremely involved in various activities of PLSO, but you’ve been instrumen- tal in getting the younger generation more involved in PLSO through the Oregon Young Surveyors Network. When you’re encouraging our young surveyors, how do you explain how being amember of PLSOhas impact- ed your life and/or career? First off, let me say what a surprise it was to be named the 2018 Surveyor of the Year. I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve such an honor, especially when I look at the list of surveyors that have preceded me, but I’m grateful to be nom- inated and selected. PLSO provides many benefits to its mem- bership. The benefits can be measurable items such as PDHs at the annual con- ference, discounts on office items, and a lobbyist that keeps an eye out for our interest. All of which can be read on our website or one of our flyers. While they are great, I think the most important benefit that PLSO provides can’t be measured; PLSO provides a safe and supportive envi- ronment to grow a professional network. I feel the most beautiful parts of our journey in life come from interaction and relationships with others, and that’s what the PLSO provides. Sure, one can do things on their own (I know, I was that person), but the work is hard and lonely. Building relationships and growing with others makes our journey easier and much more fulfilling. This benefit is hard to explain, but obvi- ous to see if one just takes a walk through the lobby during a break at our confer- ence. You see old friends and colleagues talking about old projects, what they’ve been up to, or when they plan on retir- ing. It’s amazing to watch. PLSO has done all of this for me. I have life-long friends that I would probably have never known if not for our organization. I can rely on them to be there when I need them, and I provide the same. So, when I encourage surveyors, young and old, to engage in the PLSO, I talk about the immeasurable benefits and how they have impacted my life. What goals do you hope to accom- plishwith PLSO in the next five years? There are several goals I’d like to accom- plish in the next five years. First, I’d like to set up a formal internship program. I’ve encountered quite a few students who are interested in surveying, but they have no place to go. It would be great to have a program where PLSO is the hub to con- nect students with employers. I know we have an intern board on the website, but it would be fantastic to have something formal with performance metrics and funding to help offset employer costs. Secondly, I’d like to set up a leadership academy within PLSO. The academy would provide workshops where attendees can learn everything from business skills to how to be a leader. I envision the pro- grambeing supported by local businesses who can’t invest in their own programs but might have funds to support a statewide program. This type of academy would help our profession tremendously by teaching skills to emerging leaders allowing them to build confidence in their abilities, ultimate- ly raising the overall level professionalism. Interview w/ Christopher Glantz, PLS Surveyor of the Year continues T