PLSO Oregon Surveyor January/February 2019
The Oregon Surveyor | 14 Vol. 42, No. 1 S OT Y S U R V E Y O R O F T H E Y E A R Christopher Glantz, PLS 2018 The Surveyor of the Year award is the opportunity to recognize a member of the professional community that stood out among the crowd for their contribution to PLSO and the profession. The minimum requirements that must be met to qualify for the Surveyor of the Year Award are: 1. Be a Corporate Member of PLSO for five or more years. 2. Have demonstrated a history of high competence, integrity, and professionalism. 3. Assisted qualified and interested people in advancement within the profession. 4. Career-long service to the profession. We are all honored to have you be a member of this association. A ll Surveyor of the Year nominations must come from at least five PLSO members in good standing. I may be a little biased, but the seven that nominated Chris Glantz —our 2018 SOTY winner—are some of the finest volunteer leaders I’ve had the privilege to work with. Chris should not only be incredibly proud of all that he’s accomplished through- out his tenure with PLSO so far but understand how highly he’s thought of by those that know exactly what it takes to be a successful volunteer leader. Between those that nominated him and those that have been previously honored as Surveyor of the Year—Chris Glantz is certainly in good company! He has served as chapter president, on the Board of Directors for two years, President of the NSPS Young Surveyors Network, Chairman of the Oregon Young Surveyors Network (OrYSN), been on the Conference Committee, given input when asked regarding such things as the Rebranding Task Force activities, and won the Contagious Attitude Award in 2016. I’m quite positive he’s sneaking in activities that I’m not aware of too. Chris, we are all honored to have you be a member of this association. I always feel that things are in good hands when you are working on a project. Your desire for improving the future of PLSO has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations on being honored by your peers! PLSO Conference
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