PLSO Oregon Surveyor January/February 2019
12 Vol. 42, No. 1 The Oregon Surveyor | PLSO Conference Not only is Pat Gaylord our most recent Past Chairman (again), but he was also rec- ognized for Article of the Year and Bright Idea Award. Article of the Year Given to the author of the best article that has been published in The Oregon Surveyor within the last year, Pat’s featured column “The Lost Surveyor” is this year’s winner. Original- ly taking over the column from Oran Abbot, who posted photos of his travels around Oregon and providing coordinates as the clue to the location, Pat slowly made it his own by featuring a surveyor or surveying related topic in Oregon history. As he said himself in his book donated to the auction this year, “From this idea, a research proj- ect began. The Lost Surveyor articles took on a new meaning with an effort to point out the contributions of Oregon surveyors to place names and events throughout Or- egon’s history. Armed with the Oregon Book of Geographic names, a smart phone, and the internet, every road trip around Oregon venturing to PLSO Board meetings, vacations, hunting trips, and hiking adventures became a quest for the next ‘Lost Sur- veyor.’ These adventures have led to discoveries along Portland hiking trails, visits to cemeteries in Coos Bay, and travels to many city parks with roots in the history of our predecessors. I have occasionally issued challenges to the readership for projects or improvements to surveying related locales. Opportunities exist for PLSO to make an impact in Oregon and preserve our history. These opportunities range from improv- ing public surveying displays, rehabilitating monuments to our surveying heritage, to using surveying to correct facts in Oregon’s history or statistics.” Along with all your great cover shots, thank you for such an awesome contribution to the magazine, Pat! Bright Idea Award This award recognizes someone that keeps coming up with innovative ideas to get things done. The Rebranding Task Force was recognized as a group for their work with research, brand association discussions, surveys, and more by the Oregon Young Surveyors Network. Gaylord was the one that initially created the group and kept the project on task throughout the year. The other members of the task force include: Shawn Kampmann, Aimee McAuliffe, Kelly Miller, Colleen and Lee Spurgeon, Saman- tha Tanner, Lloyd Tolbert, Maggie Thornton, and David Williams. “The rebranding effort was a monumental task to take on, with mixed reviews by the PLSO membership. The (task force), especially Pat and Aimee, worked hard to come up with a new look for PLSO, including marketing and educational materials, a new logo, and eventually a new website. The desire for change and to make a more up- dated brand for us to appeal to a younger, more diverse, audience is just one more way for us to be distinctive.” – OrYSN on the nomination form. Article of the Year & Bright Idea Award Pat Gaylord Associate Member of the Year Weston Addington An Associate Member is someone who is employed under the direction of an Oregon registered PLS and is working toward qualification themselves. As Associate Member of the Year, Addington has done exemplary work while demonstrating profession- alism throughout the year. Addington has served as the Secretary-Treasurer for the Umpqua Chapter since the Spring of 2015, where he consistently represented and kept members apprised of activities through communication and Chapter minutes. Wes recently passed both licensure tests and is currently awaiting approval by OSBEELS. This award came just in the nick of time. Congratulations, Wes!
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