PLSO Oregon Surveyor January/February 2019
11 The Life Membership Award is one of our most esteemed honors. It is granted only in recognition of distinguished service to PLSO and to the profession at large. The following areminimum requirements that must be met to qualify: 1. Career long service to the profession and PLSO. 2. Served as a Chapter Officer or on a PLSO Committee. 3. Is currently and has been a Corporate Member of PLSO for ten (10) years prior to nomination. 4. Approval vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors by secret ballot. Carl Clinton is this year’s Life Member- ship recipient and was nominated by John Thatcher. He became an Associate Member of PLSO in 1973, gaining Cor- porate Member status in 1977. Carl has sustained his PLSOmembership through today, and his contributions to the pro- fession are many. To name just a few highlights, he has held various volun- teer positions within PLSO throughout the years, repeat continuing education presenter, contributor to “ The Oregon Surveyor magazine”, member of OAC- ES, and worked on behalf of PLSO and OACES in redefining the “Dig Rules” of the Oregon Utilities Notification Coun- cil on Proposed Amendments to Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs). Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | CONGRATULATIONS to our PLSO Award Winners! PLSO Conference The Life Membership Award Carl Clinton continues T
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