PLSO Oregon Surveyor January/February 2019

10 Vol. 42, No. 1 The Oregon Surveyor | PLSO Conference PLSO Recognizes its Amazing Volunteers I t’s always fun recognizing people and making sure their dedication and time doesn’t go unnoticed. I’m sure more than once a PLSO volunteer has looked at their own to-do-list and weighed it against something they promised to do for the association and thought, “Why did I say I would do this again?” There just aren’t enough hours in the day sometimes, and yet we all manage to get it done. As I was looking up quotes to define volunteerism, I came upon the same quote by Elizabeth Andrew repeatedly: “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” I love this quote because it’s so true. What I found even more interesting about the quote was when I asked Google, “Who is Eliza- beth Andrew?” I certainly didn’t want to attribute a quote to someone that was recruiting for the association of no survey- ors required. Do you know what I found? Nothing. There are a few Andrews, but not our mystery woman. I think this of- ten sums up a volunteer—someone who makes a big impact on others with lit- tle recognition and fanfare. The truth is, PLSO would not exist without its volun- teer leaders, committee members, raffle ticket sellers, auction donators, big idea thinkers, and get ‘er done tinkerers. It truly takes a village to make association membership valuable, so let’s all take a moment to congratulate our 2018 Award Winners and thank them for their service to PLSO and the professional communi- ty. Thank you to everyone that turned in nomination forms. By Aimee McAuliffe As I was looking up quotes to define volunteerism, I came upon the same quote by Elizabeth Andrew repeatedly: Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.