March April 2018

12 Vol. 41, No. 2 The Oregon Surveyor | Retirement Retirement Readiness Hitting the retirement preparation sweet spot For the Americans at risk of not being able to main- tain an adequate retirement lifestyle, it’s critical to take action. For the households that are well prepared and don’t know it, they risk sacrificing a comfortable retirement. Understanding the A recent study by the Center for Retirement Research (CRR) at Boston College suggests an alarming state of awareness about retirement readiness: Of surveyed households, 33 percent realize they are not well pre- pared, 19 percent are not well prepared but don’t know it, and 24 percent are well prepared but don’t know it. behaviors associated with good retirement plan- ning, in turn, can help you get a better sense of where you stand. Consider the following behav- iors, which are more likely to be modeled by those who are well prepared for retirement.