The Oregon Surveyor July/August 2018

23 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | WFPS Western Regional Survey Conference The 2018 Western Regional Survey Con- ference sponsored by APLS, NALS, UCLS, andWFPS was a great success. There were over 800 in attendance and 35 exhibi- tors. Net proceeds were over $120,000 and were split with the sponsoring asso- ciations based on registration. WFPS Foundation The Executive Committee has worked with the NSPS Education Foundation to develop an MOU that will create a char- itable fund for WFPS in support of relief efforts and scholarships. The fund will al- low WFPS to solicit charitable donations. The Board approved the MOU and made changes to the WFPS scholarship criteria. More information will be posted to the WFPS website once the fund has been fully established. About WFPS The Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS) was formed in 1979. The Board of Directors includes two di- rectors from each of the 13 western states. WFPS serves as a regional voice for Land Surveyors and meets quarterly to discuss practice issues affecting west- ern state surveyors. For more information about WFPS and the state associations, visit WFPS Areas of Focus Developing and Maintaining Programs to Promote the Profession WFPS is committed to promoting the land surveying profession. To that end, WFPS is currently developing the following programs: Youth Outreach – Land Surveying as a Career • WFPS has budgeted funds to develop an after school/community program. The program will include 10 hours of curriculum that can be used by state associations and their chapters to promote land surveying as a career. The initial outline of the program is complete. If you are inter- ested in serving on the committee that is developing this program, please contact the WFPS Executive Office. STEM Outreach Flyer • WFPS has developed a flyer to promote the land surveying profession as part of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education. • WFPS state associations may contact the WFPS Executive Office to have the flyer customized with your association logo. Providing Resources to Benefit State Associations WFPS is dedicated to providing resources to state associations. Following are a few of the resources currently being developed: 1. Speakers Bureau 2. Quarterly Book Reviews 3. Webinars Serving as a Regional Voice WFPS has updated resolution 2005-01 which supports having a board of registration for land surveyors in each state. The Executive Committee reviewed the resolution and suggested minor modifications to strengthen the resolution. At the April 2018 Board of Directors meeting, the Board adopted Resolution 2018-01 to supersede resolution 2005-01. The final resolution, as adopted, is available on the WFPS website and will be sent to each State Association. PowerPoint Get to know WFPS and how we serve the 13 western state surveying associations. Visit the WFPS website, click “About WFPS” and download the WFPS PowerPoint. WFPS Executive Office Telephone: (707) 578-1130 | Fax: (707) 578-4406 | Email: [email protected] Washington LSAW may be interested in a joint conference with WFPS in 2020. Renton Technical College is working to put their second-year program online. Prevailing wage is still a concern in Washington. The Governor is reviewing a bill that adopts CBA wages as the prevailing wages. LSAW is in the process of amending their bylaws and working to get an exemption for surveyors regarding the “Call Before You Dig” law. Washington Department of Licensing is proposing an administrative code change that will require licens- ees to attest they have read the administrative code when they renew their license.