January February 2018

17 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org PLSO Conference Dear Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon, I am writing to express my appreciation for your contribu- tion toward my education. Wow! Was the first word out of my mouth. I was excited to find out I have been selected to be a recipient. It is truly an honor. I am20 years old and currently attending Umpqua Community College located in Roseburg, OR. This last year I have been contemplating how I am going to pay for this next year. After attending the PLSO Conference, I found a six week internship in construction surveying in the Portland area. That helped me move towards my goal of becoming a Professional Land Surveyor financially while also gaining experience. Upon returning home, I immediately found another job. Due to my large family’s unique financial situation there is no way they can afford to contribute much toward my education and I knew I was on my own. To earn additional monies for this next school year, I also joined the Umpqua Community Obstacle Course team, which provided for a small stipend and will keep me physically fit. Even with working, I knew my finances would fall far short. However, my learning chal- lenges growing up taught me to be resourceful, diligent, and persevere—to not give up. Your notice of the award was timely. I am so thankful! I will be transferring to OIT in the Fall of 2018 to complete my BS in Surveying and, hopefully, will take part in the CECOP internship program. Thank you for our generous contribution towards my ed- ucation. It will fill the remaining gap. I will be able to focus more on my education and less on earning enough for my education through work. I am honored to receive this schol- arship and it will be put to good use. Thank you, again. Isaac Jacobsen Dear PLSO and Sue Newsletter, Thank you very much for your generosity in awarding me a scholarship. I would not be able to get the education I need to become a licensed land surveyor without your support, and I can’t wait to put the scholarship to good use as I contin- ue my studies at Oregon Tech this fall. I feel so lucky to have found two wonderful internships—at the City of Vancouver last summer and with the Western Federal Lands Highway Division this summer—and I am continually astounded by the support I receive academically, professionally, and finan- cially from fellow surveyors. Every day in class and on the job confirms that surveying is the perfect mix of problem- solving and hands-on application, and your generous scholar- ship inspires me to work harder and dream bigger about my future in the profession. Once again, thank you for helping to make my plans a reality! Your support of young survey- ors like me means so much. Sincerely, Katie Singleton Dear PLSO, I want to thank you for awarding me this scholarship! I was ecstatic to learn I am a recipient and honestly wasn’t expect- ing an award of this size! This is truly a blessing to me as I head to Oregon Tech next week. I just completed my sec- ond summer surveying and really enjoyed the experience. Thank you again! If you would like a photo for your news- letter, please email me and I would be happy to send one. Sincerely, Calvin Dear PLSO, I’m very thankful and happy to accept this scholarship from PLSO. I will make sure that it goes to good use as I work to- wards becoming a Professional Land Surveyor. Thank you so much for the support! Cameron Thank You Notes from our 2017 Scholarship Recipients