January February 2018

10 Vol. 41, No. 1 The Oregon Surveyor | PLSO Conference CONGRATULATIONS to our PLSO Award Winners! Thank you to everyone that sent in nominations this year. Your nominations allow us to publicly recognize those that have gone the extra mile in support of the PLSO. While the Awards Committee is made up of myself and Committee Chair John Voorheis, the majority of the awards were voted on at the Fall Board of Directors meeting based on the nominations we received. As a reminder, a nomination form, listing award oppor- tunities is available in the Members Only section of the website year-round. Hidden Talent Award Brush Cutter of the Year Pat Gaylord Samantha Tanner The hidden talent awards states that the recipient is “one who has talent (real or imagined) which is noteworthy among our peers”. Many of us have witnessed this person’s talent and I thinks it’s safe to say this one falls under the real talent part. The nomination for this person noted that this individual exhibited “exemplary photographic skills and contributions to the Oregon Surveyor.” The brush cutter of the year is defined as “one who just keeps going and going and going, never letting the stuff ahead of them stop their pursuit of positive results for PLSO and the profession.” The nomination for this year’s winner stated ”This person has had an eventful couple of years. They are newly licensed, but due to limited mentorship and career mobility at previous employers, they decided to open their own business. Without any experience creating or running a business, they took the challenge head on, seeking help from other professionals when needed. Their deter- mination allowed the business to grow in the face of adversity, while maintaining the highest level of professionalism. In addition to starting a new business, this person finds time to volun- teer at career fairs, write articles for the Oregon Surveyor, and participate in the Oregon Young Surveyors Network. By Dan Nelson, Awards Committee