September October 2017
Awards Committee Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | The PLSO Awards committee is soliciting nominations for Life Membership, Surveyor of the Year, and the Oregon Surveyor Article of the Year. As mandated in the Operations Manual, those three awards are voted on by the PLSO Board of Directors. The voting will take place at the upcoming Fall 2017 Board of Directors meeting in October. Life Membership is voted on by the Board of Directors. Requirements for Life Membership are: • Career long service to the profession & PLSO • Previously served as chapter president • Is currently and has been a PLSO Corporate Member for 10 years prior to the nomination • Approval vote by 2/3 of the Board of Directors by secret ballot Nominations must be in writing. Please include a photo and one page biography with the nomination. Surveyor of the Year is also voted on by the Board of Directors. Requirements for Surveyor of the Year are: • Be a Corporate Member of PLSO for 5 or more years • Have a demonstrated history of high competence, integrity, and professionalism • Assisted qualified and interested people in advancement within the profession • Career long service to the profession Nominations must be in writing. five PLSO members in good standing shall endorse the nomi- nation. A brief biography, resume, photo suitable for publishing, and the reason(s) for the nomination should be included. The Operations Manual does not list requirements for The Oregon Surveyor Article of the Year, however, to stay consistent with the above awards and since the Board will be voting on this as well, those nominations should be writing. (The Oregon Surveyor Article of Year is for the period October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. This was changed last year.) In addition, Local Chapters or the Board may award additional awards such as: • Outstanding Associate or Special Member Award • Good Humor Award • Brush Cutter Award • Team Player Award • Bright Idea Award • Contagious Attitude Award • Diversity Award • Hidden Talent Award • Community Service Award There is a form for the awards on the PLSO Webpage and hopefully it is linked to this article. The nominations may be sent to myself (see contact information below) or to PLSO. Those nominations requiring a Board of Directors vote need to be in by the Fall meeting in October. As in past years, I’ll take nominations at the Fall meeting until a few minutes before the vote. Thank you in advance to everyone who has and who will participate in this. 27
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