OTLA Trial Lawyer Winter 2021

1 Trial Lawyer • Winter 2021 Board of Governors Winter 2021 The views expressed in Trial Lawyer are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association, its members, Board of Governors or staff. Trial Lawyer is a quarterly publication of the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association and is distributed as a membership benefit. For permission to reprint articles, contact Michael Kesten at 503-246-1126, michael@kestenmedia.com. For advertising rates, contact law@llmpubs.com or 503-445-2240. Publications Committee Co-Chairs — Kyle Dukelow, kbdukelow@msn.com 503-288-1992; Faith Morse, faith@andersenlaw.com, 541-773-7000 Editor — Michael Kesten, KestenMedia, michael@kestenmedia.com, 503-246-1126 Oregon Trial Lawyers Association, 812 SW Washington Ste. 900, Portland OR 97205, 503-223-5587, otla@oregontriallawyers.org, www.oregontriallawyers.org To ensure access to Oregon’s justice system, promote juries and jury service. Articles Setting Up a Home Office and Virtual Practice Meredith Holley............................................................................................. 8 Unique Office Arrangements Kyle Dukelow. .............................................................................................. 12 What to Look for Before You Leap: From associate to solo practice Ben Cox ....................................................................................................... 15 We Win Better Together: The move to partner Kristen West McCall .................................................................................... 20 The Small Law Firm As A Small Business Paul Vames ................................................................................................... 23 E-discovery for the Small Firm: Why adopt it sooner rather than later Trevor Clark.................................................................................................. 26 Selecting a Business Structure for Your Law Firm Blair Townsend . ........................................................................................... 32 To Hire or Not to Hire: When, where and how to find your new associate Timothy Walsh . ........................................................................................... 36 Advertising: From Yellow Pages to ATSC 3.0 Craig Brown ................................................................................................. 39 Avoiding The Avoidable: Burnout and compassion fatigue Douglas Querin. ........................................................................................... 42 The Value of Time Hafez Daraee................................................................................................. 47 Trust Accounting Tips for Newbies: How to avoid the OSB disciplinary counsel Hong Dao..................................................................................................... 51 10 Warning Signs of the Client You Don’t Want Kelly Andersen.............................................................................................. 55 Departments President’s Message: Using our advocacy skills to help Tim Williams.................................................................................................. 2 View from the Bench: Conducting court during a pandemic Hon. Ulanda Watkins. .................................................................................... 6 OTLA Guardians of Civil Justice & Annual Partners donors........................................................................................................... 30 Comp Corner: Timely notice of injury Julene Quinn. ............................................................................................... 58 Between the Sheets Cody Hoesly, Lisa T. Hunt, Christine Moore.................................................. 59 Officers President Tim Williams President-elect Lara Johnson Secretary-Treasurer Blair Townsend Parliamentarian Rob Kline Immediate Past President Ronn Elzinga District Governors Talia Guerriero — District 1 Melissa Bobadilla — District 1 Kelly Andersen — District 2 Brian Dretke — District 2 Rob Beatty-Walters — District 3 Neil Jackson — District 3 Derek Johnson — District 4 Robert Johnson — District 4 Erin Christison — District 5 Brent Barton — District 5 Governors-at-Large Steve Berman Sonya Fischer Erious Johnson Rob Kline Quinn Kuranz Paul Loving Christine Moore Jeremiah Ross Thanh Tran Greg Zeuthen New Lawyer Governors Ron Cheng Blair Townsend AAJ Governors Kathryn Clarke Tom D’Amore Shenoa Payne AAJ State Delegates Michael Wise Nadia Dahab Apolinar Montero-Sánchez OTLA Staff Email, (firstname)@oregontriallawyers.org Main phone, 503-223-5587 Kathleen Bergin, 503-223-5587 x108 Membership Director Beth Bernard, 503-223-2558 Executive Director Nora Fogarty, 503-223-5587 x104 Development Dir. & Publications Mgr. Astrid Grigsby Schulte, 503-223-5587 x100 Education Director Jake Hessel, 503-223-5587 x106 Deputy Political Director Arthur Towers, 503-345-0045 Political Director/Lobbyist