OTA Dispatch Issue1, 2021

30 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) Update OTA’s Technology & Maintenance Council is also making plans to restart their training/meetings. Vehicle maintenance is obviously very hands- on, so going virtual has been a bit of a challenge—even for TMC. The national TMC just announced that they are moving forward with their annual meeting and a scaled-back version of the SuperTech skills competition. With this just being announced, OTA’s TMC will be talking soon about our state events. OTA COUNCIL Updates SMC and TMC meetings will be resuming soon— virtually! Please check our publications and event calendar www.ortrucking.org/events. Please contact OTA with any questions regarding TMC and SMC events: [email protected] . Safety Management Council (SMC) Update OTA’s Safety Management Council (SMC) has been busy! The group launched their monthly virtual meeting format a few months ago and attendance continues to grow. These meetings are free to OTA members and $25 for non- members. They’re also getting a jumpstart on this year’s Safety Conference, which, like in 2020, won’t be happening until October. With the theme of “Resilience & Reinvention,” the event will now take place October 6–8 at Valley River Inn/Eugene. Speakers and sessions are being finalized—stay tuned for more details!