OTA Dispatch Issue1, 2021
Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch WE HAD the opportunity to get philosophical in the last year, trying to find some sense of reason in a world that had gone a bit crazy. We constantly heard about how “we’re all in this together” when it came to the pandemic, yet divisive and destructive activities filled our streets for months on end. But, you have to admit, those protesters got noticed, even in the midst of the largest global health crisis of our time. I’m certainly not condoning their methods or message—a message that was unfocused and fractured by the various factions involved. Still, there was some underlying passion or motivation (ideology, money, etc.) strong enough for them to keep showing up. So, what cause would you show up for? I personally am passionate about the great industry we work in and am proud of the company my family and my team has built. I volunteer my time to serve on the OTA board. I talk up the importance of trucking whenever I get the chance. I share information about the work that OTA does on behalf of the trucking industry when the situation calls for it. I try to be a good ambassador for Oregon’s trucking industry. Then I look around at all of the well-funded, well-organized special interest groups—from environmentalists to labor unions—that are trying to dictate the future of trucking and I ask myself, “Is what I’m doing enough?” Short answer—probably not. Like you, my days are busy, and the extra layer of coronavirus concerns has added to the load. It might be easier to ignore the challenges from these groups and our own lawmakers, assuming someone else will fight the fight, or believing that whatever happens won’t be that bad. In all honesty, this is a risk that we can no longer take. 2 Andy Owens OTA Chair Make the commitment. Get involved. Show up— even if it’s just virtually for the foreseeable future. Yes, OTA is here to actively engage, educate, and influence on behalf of Oregon’s trucking industry, but never forget that you are OTA. While OTA’s government affairs team is focused, motivated, and fighting on multiple fronts, think about what would have happened if only a handful of “protesters” had shown up. Fewer headlines, a very short “movement”…and a lot less violence and property damage—but I digress. The sheer volume of people and voices made the difference. I’m not saying that the solution is to riot in the streets; however, it’s time for us all to become active participants. To get on the frontlines and have our say. Even if we accept that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” (thank you, Aristotle), that’s not to say that OTA’s “parts” will be in sync on every issue. As a diverse industry serving many segments, we all come with our own opinions and goals—different approaches based on what’s best for our businesses. That’s another benefit of OTA—an open forum to discuss these differences, share information and exchange ideas with our colleagues. Things that seemed to have disappeared from our political proceedings. In the end, we must work together as a “whole” to have the biggest impact. Because we are OTA members, we have access to information, insight, and guidance on how we can best be heard. Need help formulating your message? Not sure who to contact, or how to go about it? OTA has those answers. Are you more comfortable behind the scenes, but still want to make a difference? Support OTA’s efforts through the Oregon TruckPAC fund. There are many ways to get involved. I encourage you to do just that. Make the commitment. Get involved. Show up—even if it’s just virtually for the foreseeable future. With a slight pinprick of light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, we can’t lose sight of those issues that we may have pushed to the side. A lengthy legislative session is in front us. More executive orders and court challenges loom as distinct possibilities. So, ask yourself— are you doing enough? OTA Greater than the Sum of its Parts
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