OTA Dispatch Issue1, 2021
13 www.ortrucking.org Issue 1 | 2021 TRUCKING PAYS THE FREIGHT Through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) SmartWay Transport Partner- ship , the trucking industry is working with government and businesses to quantify green- house gas emissions and take steps to reduce them. The trucking industry continues to improve energy and environmental efficiency even while increasing the number of miles driven. In 2018: • Combination trucks accounted for just 17% of the total highway transportation fuel consumed . • Combination trucks consumed nearly 100 billion fewer gallons of fuel than passenger vehicles in the U.S. TRUCKS DELIVER A CLEANER TOMORROW EMISSIONS 43% of U.S. commercial trucks are now powered by the newest-generation, near-zero emissions diesel technology. Medium- and heavy-duty trucks contribute just 23% of all transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the U.S. and represent only 6% of total U.S. GHG emissions. PARTNERSHIPS FUEL CONSUMPTION 17% THE INDUSTRY INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES ROADWAY USE As of January 2020, a typical five-axle tractor- semitrailer combination paid: $8,906 federal highway user fees and taxes + Miles driven on public roads: Trucks: 5.2 billion All Motorists: 36.8 billion in Oregon Miles of public roads (2018) 79,266 These taxes were over and above the typical taxes paid by businesses in Oregon. $21,488 state highway user fees and taxes … despite trucks representing only 14% of V ehicle M iles T raveled in the state. The industry paid 30% of all taxes owed by Oregon motorists … $299 million Amount the trucking industry in Oregon paid approximately in federal and state roadway taxes . (2018) Oregon TRUCKING FAST FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data available. ORTrucking.org @OTAOregon ortrucking.org ortrucking /company/oregon-trucking-associations TRUCKING PAYS THE FREIGHT The trucking industry continues to improve energy and environmental efficiency even while increasing the number of miles driven. In 2018: • Combination trucks accounted for just 17% of the total highway transportation fuel consumed . • Combination trucks consumed nearly 100 billion fewer gallons of fuel than passenger vehicles in the U.S. TRUCKS DELIVER A CLEANER TOMORROW EMISSIONS 43% of U.S. commercial trucks are now powered by the newest-generation, near-zero emissions diesel technology. Medium- and heavy-duty trucks contribute just 23% of all transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the U.S. and represent only 6% of total U.S. GHG emissions. PARTNERSHIPS FUEL CONSUMPTION 17% THE INDUSTRY INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES ROADWAY USE As of January 2020, a typical five-axle tractor- semitrailer combination paid: $8,906 federal highway user fees and taxes + Miles driven on p Trucks: 5.2 b All Motorists in Oregon Miles of public (20 These taxes were over and above the typical taxes paid by businesses in Oregon. $21,488 state highway user fees and taxes … despite trucks representing only 14% of V ehicle M iles T raveled in the state. The industry paid 30% of all taxes owed by Oregon motorists … $299 million Amount the trucking industry in Oregon paid approximately in federal and state roadway taxes . (2018) regon TRUCKING AST FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data available. ORTrucking.org @ ortrucking /comp TRUCKING PAYS THE FREIGHT The trucking industry continues to improve energy and environmental efficiency even while increasing the number of miles driven. In 2018: • Combination trucks accounted for just 17% of the total highway transportation fuel consumed . • Combination trucks consumed nearly 100 billion fewer gallons of fuel than passenger vehicles in the U.S. TRUCKS DELIVER A CLEANER TOMORROW EMISSIONS 43% of U.S. commercial trucks are now powered by the newest-generation, near-zero emissions diesel technology. Medium- and heavy-duty trucks contribute just 23% of all transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the U.S. and represent only 6% of total U.S. GHG emissions. PART FUEL CONSUMPTION 17% THE INDUSTRY INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES ROAD As of January 2020, a typical five-axle tractor- semitrailer combination paid: $8,906 federal highway user fees and taxes + Miles Truc All M Mi T ese taxe were over and above the typical taxes paid by businesses in Oreg n. $21,488 state highway user fees and taxes … despite trucks representing only 14% of V ehicle M iles T raveled in the state. The industry paid 30% of all taxes owed by Oregon motorists … $299 million Amount the trucking industry in Oregon paid approximately in federal and state roadway taxes . (2018) Oregon TRUCKING FAST FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data available. ORTruckin ortrucking TRUCKING PAYS THE FREIGHT Th rucking indust y continues to improve energy and environmental efficiency even while inc easing the number of miles driven. In 2018: • Combination trucks accounted for just 17% of the total highway transportation fuel consumed . • Combination trucks consumed nearly 100 billion fewer gallons of fuel than passenger vehicles in the U.S. TRUCKS DELIVER A CLEANER TOMORROW EMISSIONS 43% f U.S. commercial trucks are now powered by the newest-generation, near-zero emissions diesel technology. Medium- and heavy-duty trucks contribute just 23% of all transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the U.S. and represent only 6% of total U.S. GHG emissions. PART FUEL CONSUMPTION 17% THE INDUSTRY NDIVIDUAL COMPANIES ROAD As of January 2020, a typical five-axle tractor- semitrailer combination paid: $8,906 federal highway user fees and taxes + Miles Truc All M i Mil These taxes were over and above the typical taxes paid by businesses in Oregon. $21,488 state highway user fees and taxes … despite trucks r presenting only 14% of V ehicle M iles T raveled in the state. The industry paid 30% of all taxes owed by Oregon motorists … $299 illion Amount the trucking industry in Oregon pai approximately in federal and state roadway taxes . (2018) Oregon TRUCKING FAST FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data available. ORTruckin ortrucking Through the U.S. Envir nmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) SmartWay Transport Partner- ship , the trucking industry is working with government and businesses to quantify green- house gas emissions and take steps to reduce them. of the illion s in PARTNERSHIPS 17% ROADWAY USE 6 user s Miles driven on publi roads: Trucks: 5.2 billion All Motorists: 36.8 billion in Oregon Miles of public roads (2018) 79,266 ORTrucking.org @OTAOregon ortrucking.org ortrucking /company/oregon-trucking-associations T UCKING PAYS THE FREIGHT The rucking industry co tinu s to improve nergy an environmental efficiency ven while increasing the number of miles driven. In 2018: • Combination trucks accounted for just 17% of the otal highway transpor ation fuel consumed . • Combination trucks consumed nearly 100 b llion fewer gallons of fuel than passenger vehicles in the U S. TRUCKS DELIVER A CLEANER TOMO ROW EMISSIONS 43% of U S. co mercial trucks are now pow red by the newest-generation, near-zero emissi ns die el technology. Medium- and heavy-du y trucks contribute just 23% of all transpor ation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the U S. and repr sent only 6% of otal U S. GHG emissions. PAR FUEL CONSUMPTION 17% THE INDUSTRY IND VIDU L COMPANIES ROA As of Janu ry 2020, a typical five axle tractor- semitrailer combination paid: $8,906 f deral highway user fees and taxes + Mile Tru All M Thes taxes w re over and above the typical taxes paid by busines es in Oregon. $21,4 8 s ate highway user fees and taxes … despite trucks repr se ting only 14% of V ehicle M iles T rav led in the s ate. The industry paid 30% of all taxes owed by Oregon m tori ts … $299 mi lion Amount the trucking industry in Oregon paid approximately in federal and s ate roadway taxes . (2018) Orego TRUCKING FAST FACTS Updated April 20 with most r cent data v ilable. ORTruck ortrucki THE I DUSTRY ROADWAY SE INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES Through the U.S. Envi on Protection Agency’s (E SmartWay Transport Pa ship , the trucking indust working with governmen busi sses to quantify g house gas emissions an steps to reduce them. g industry continues to improve environmental efficiency even sing the number of miles driven. ion trucks accounted f r just 17% of the way transportation fuel con umed . ion trucks consumed nearly 100 billion ons of fuel than pas enger v hicl s in OMORROW PARTNERSHIPS SUMPTION 17% combination paid: $8,906 federal highway user fees and taxes + Miles driven on public roads: Trucks: 5.2 billion All Motorists: 36.8 billion in Oregon Miles of public roads (2018) 79,266 s were over and above axes paid by businesses 488 way user d taxes il 2020 with most recent data available. ORTrucking.org @OTAOregon ortruc ortrucking /company/oregon-trucking-asso Through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) SmartWay Transport Partnership, the trucking industry is working with government and businesses to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and take steps to reduce them.
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