OTA Dispatch Issue1, 2021
12 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch TRUCKING DRIVES THE ECONOMY COMPETITIVEWAGES TRANSPORTINGTHE ESSENTIALS SMALL BUSINESS EMPHASIS CAREERS SAFETY MATTERS The Share the Road program sends a team of professional truck drivers to communities around the country to teach car drivers about truck blind spots, stopping distances and how to merge safely around large trucks, all designed to reduce the number of car-truck accidents. USA 1.42 2017 fatal crash rate per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): 69% The amount by which the U.S. large truck fatal crash rate has dropped between 1975 and 2017. SAFETY FIRST COMMITMENT TO SHARING THE ROAD CONTINUALLY IMPROVING • Total trucking industry wages paid in Oregon in 2018 exceeded $4.8 billion , with an average annual trucking industry salary of $50,387 . • Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers held 23,300 jobs with an average annual salary of $47,410 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018). 76.9% of Oregon communities depend exclusively on trucks to move their goods. Percent of manufactured tonnage transported by trucks in the state. That’s 101,140 tons per day. (2012) 88 Trucking companies located in Oregon . (2019) Primarily small, locally owned businesses, these companies are served by a wide range of supporting businesses. 8,930 96,150 Trucking industry jobs in Oregon (2018) That’s 1 in 17 jobs in the state 1.02 OR Oregon Trucking Associations members put safety first through: Improved driver training Investment in advanced safety technologies Active participation in industry safety initiatives at the local, state and national levels Oregon TRUCKING FAST FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data available. ORTrucking.org @OTAOregon ortrucking.org ortrucking /company/oregon-trucking-associations TRUCKING DRIVES THE ECONOMY TRANSPORTINGTHE ESSENTIALS SMALL BUSINESS EMPHASIS CAREERS SAFETY MATTERS USA 1.42 2017 fatal cr sh rate per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): 69% The amount by which the U.S. large truck fatal crash rate has dropped between 1975 and 2017. SAFETY FIRST COMMITMENT TO CONTINUALLY IMPROVING 76.9% of Oregon communities depend exclusively on trucks to move their goods. Percent of manufactured tonnage transported by trucks in the state. That’s 101,140 tons per day. (2012) 88 Trucking companies located in Oregon . (2019) Primarily small, locally owned businesses, these companies are served by a wide range of supporting businesses. 8,930 96,150 Trucking industry jobs in Oregon (2018) That’s 1 in 17 jobs in the state 1.02 OR Oregon Trucking Associations members put safety first through: Improved driver training Investment in advanced safety technologies Active participation in industry safety initiatives at the local, state and national levels regon TRUCKING AST FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data available. ORTrucking.org ortrucking /comp TRUCKING DRIVES THE CONOMY TRANS SMALL BUSINESS EMPHASIS CAREERS SAFETY MATTERS USA 2017 fatal crash rate per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): 69% The amount by which the large truck fatal crash rat dropped between 1975 and 2017. SAFETY FIRST CONTINUALLY IMPROVING 88 Trucking companies located in Oregon . (2019) Primarily small, locally owned businesses, these companies are served by a wide range of supporting business s. 8,930 96,150 Trucki g industry jobs in Oregon (2018) That’s 1 in 17 jobs in the state OR Oregon Trucking Associations members put safety first through: Improved driver training Investment in advanced safety technologies Active participation in industry safety initiatives at the local, state and national levels Oregon TRUCKING FAST FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data availa TRUCKING DRIVES TH ECONOMY TRAN SMALL BUSINESS EMPHA IS CAREERS SAFETY MA TERS USA 2017 f tal crash rate per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): 69 The amount by w ic t large truck fatal crash dropped between 1975 and 2017. SAFETY FIRST CONTINUALLY IMPROVING Trucking companies located in Oregon . (2019) Primarily small, locally owned busines es, th se companies are served by a wide range of supporting busines es. 8,930 96,150 Trucking industry jobs in Oregon (2018) That’s 1 in 17 jobs in the state OR Oregon Trucking Assoc ations embers put safety first through: Improve driver training Investment in advanced safe y techn logies Active participatio industry safety ini atives at the local, state and national l vels r TRUCKING FAST FACTS Updated April 20 with most r cent data av NOMY COMPETITIVEWAGES TRANSPORTINGTHE ESSENTIALS ESS EMPHASIS The Share the Road program sends a team of professional truck drivers to communities around the country to teach car drivers about truck blind spots, stopping distances and how to merge safely around large trucks, all designed to reduce the number of car-truck accidents. USA 1.42 7 fatal crash rate per million Vehicle Miles veled (VMT): 9% The amount by which the U.S. large truck fatal crash rate has pped between 1975 and 2017. COMMITMENT TO SHARING THE ROAD NTINUALLY IMPROVING • Total trucking industry wages paid in Oregon in 2018 exceeded $4.8 billion , with an average annual trucking industry salary of $50,387 . • Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers held 23,300 jobs with an average annual salary of $47,410 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018). 76.9% of Oregon communities depend exclusively on trucks to move their goods. Percent of manufactured to n ge transported by trucks in the state. That’s 101,140 tons per day. (2012) 88 panies located in Primarily small, usinesses, these served by a wide ting businesses. 30 1.02 OR FACTS dated April 2020 with most recent data available. ORTrucking.org @OTAOregon ortrucking.org ortrucking /company/oregon-trucking-associations C NOMY COMPETITIVEWAGES TRANSPORTINGTHE ESSENTIALS U IN SS EMPHASIS The Share the Road program sends a team of professional truck drivers to communities around the country to teach car drivers about truck blind spots, stopping distances and how to merge safely around large trucks, all designed to reduce the number of car-truck accidents. USA 1.42 2017 fatal crash rate per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): 69% The amount by which the U.S. large truck fatal crash rate has dropped between 1975 and 2017. COMMITMENT TO SHARING THE ROAD CONTINUALLY IMPROVING • Total trucking industry wages paid in Oregon in 2018 exceeded $4.8 billion , with an average annual trucking industry salary of $50,387 . • Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers held 23,300 jobs with an average annual salary of $47,410 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018). 76.9% of Oregon communities depend exclusively on trucks to move their goods. Percent of manufactured tonnage transported by trucks in the state. That’s 101,140 tons per day. (2012) 88 companies located in 2019) Primarily small, ed businesses, these are served by a wide upporting businesses. 930 1.02 OR T FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data available. ORTrucking.org @OTAOregon ortrucking.org ortrucking /company/oregon-trucking-associations COMPE ITIVE WAGES CAREERS TRANSP TI I MALL BUSINESS EMPHASIS TRUCKING DRIVES THE ECONOMY TRANSPORTINGTHE ESSE SMALL BUSINESS EMPHASIS CAREERS SAFETY MATTERS USA 1.42 2017 fatal crash rate per 100 million V hicl Miles Traveled (VMT): 69% The amount by which the U.S. large truck fatal crash rat has dropped betwe n 1975 and 2017. SAFETY FIRST COM CONTINUALLY IMPROVING 76.9% of Oregon co depend excl trucks to mo goods. Percent of ma tonnage tran trucks in the That’s 101,1 per day. (201 88 Trucking companies located in Oregon . (2019) Primarily small, locally owned businesses, t ese companies are served by a wide range of supporti g businesses. 8,930 96,150 cking industry jobs in Oregon (2018) That’s 1 in 17 jobs in the state 1.02 OR Oregon Trucking Associations members put safety first through: Improved driver training Investment in advanc d safety technologies Active participation in industry safety initiatives at the local, state and national levels Oregon TRUCKING FAST FACTS Updated April 2020 with most recent data vailable. ORTruck It’s often a challenge to describe just how important Oregon’s trucking industry is. We became know as “essential” in 2020, even though trucking has always been a vital part of Oregon’s economy. Thanks to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) and their “Trucking Fa t Facts” we get a sna shot of what it means to be part of Oregon’s trucking industry—the good, the bad and the ugly (taxes!). Take a look and memorize some of the top reasons why trucking is so important. You can download and print your own copy at www.ortrucking.org/ trucking-facts.
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