OTA Dispatch Issue 1 2020

36 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch OTA’s Northwest Fleet Training Programs: Past, Present, and Future By Adam Williamson, OTA’s Director of Training & Development THE VALUE OF WELL-TRAINED professionals in the trucking industry cannot be overstated. Safety is always a leading concern, but the current regulatory and legal environment does not make it easy. Our industry has seen a steady increase in the complexity of its regulations and the liability risk for both carriers and drivers has never been greater (it is the true “boogeyman” waiting behind every accident). The reality is that every carrier needs every member of their team to be on top of these issues as it relates to their area of responsibility. However, this kind of preparedness does not happen without significant training investment. OTA is acutely aware that quality training is critical to the success of our industry. In particular, the role of safety directors and other management level positions are often at the forefront of successful programs that increase compliance and reduce liability risks. Providing support for professionals in these positions has historically been a major focus of our training efforts and it continues to be a priority for the association. In 2016, OTA launched its first annual Northwest Fleet Safety Certification program. Designed by safety professionals for safety professionals, it compares favorably with other programs across the country and represents OTA’s most comprehensive safety training offering to date. Graduates of this program gain a well-rounded foundational knowledge of the subject matter. An average of 10 graduates per year have successfully completed this program through the first four years of its existence. In 2018, OTA launched the Northwest Fleet Maintenance Certification program. This annual program is structured similarly to our Fleet Safety program but is heavily tailored to fit the needs of maintenance professionals. In its brief two-year existence, eight graduates have successfully completed this program. OTA wishes to thank everyone who has participated in these programs over the last few years (either as a guest instructor or an attendee). The feedback we have received has been extremely positive and encouraging. In addition to the quality of the training content, opportunity to network and build relationships with other industry professionals has made the training experience very rewarding for everyone involved. As both programs are still relatively young, the association has high hopes that participation levels will grow, and that industry professionals will continue to find value in the training experience they receive at OTA. If you have interest or questions about either the Northwest Fleet Safety or Maintenance Certification programs, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Oregon Trucking Association and ask for me directly. We are currently accepting registrations and the new 2020–2021 class year will begin this spring (May for safety and June for maintenance). Classes are limited to 12 students per year. Interested? Get on the roster—email [email protected] . SAFETY