Issue 1, 2018
7 Issue 1 | 2018 implement a cap and trade system, a bill that would bring the California truck regulations to Oregon and bills to implement Cleaner Air Oregon, the Governor’s plan to further regulate fixed emission sources. Today is the deadline for moving bills out of the committee of origin. All of these bills moved to other committees where they can be worked until the final gavel falls. On March 12, we will be able to let you know what happened, and I’m relatively certain something is going to happen. The only question is—what? Of course, Jana testified against these bills, with the exception of the fixed source bill because that one does not impact the trucking industry. Following Jana’s testimony against the cap and trade bills, the following OTA members also testified: Diane DeAutremont, Lile International; Mike Card, Combined Transport; Mark Gibson, Siskiyou Transportation; Dylan Bochsler, NSP Trucking; Rod Blackman, Blackman Farms; Shelly Boshart Davis, Boshart Trucking; and Alan Rasmussen, Modern Building Systems. In addition, members Don McGinn, McGinn Brothers Trucking; Ron Bowers, Ron Bowers Inc.; Buck Collekon, TP Freight Lines; Myke Lake, McCracken Motor Freight; and Dennis Fullan, Space Age Fuel Products attended the hearing in support of the industry. Other members indicated that they intended to submit written testimony after the hearings. It was great to see such a strong turnout on really short notice. Thank you to all who participated! It takes all of us, working together, to have an impact. As soon as the session is over, we will provide you with a report on which bills passed and which did not. The unfortunate part is that there is no doubt that any environmental bills that fail this time will be back in 2019. We will also know who is running for office. The filing deadline for candidates is March 6. Right now, there are rumors galore about who is running and who is not. Based on what we do know, it would seem that the Democrats are poised to pick up seats in both the House and the Senate. Today, each house is short one seat of giving the Democrats a super majority, and with that the ability to raise taxes without a single Republican vote. If this sounds like your worst nightmare, it’s time to step up and contribute to Truck PAC—otherwise known as OTA’s “war chest” for the ongoing battle against unfavorable bills and questionable candidates. Now is the time to vote with your dollars, and in November, you can cast your ballot. Thank you to all the OTA members that respond to our “Calls to Action!”
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