Issue 1, 2018

Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Bob Russell OTA Vice President/ Government Affairs LEGISLATIVE UPDATE 6 A s I write this, we are in the midst of the 2018 session of the Oregon Legislature. Under the constitutional limits, this session can last no more than 35 days. Today is day 12. According to the original sponsors, these short sessions were supposed to be about balancing the budget. However, legislators simply can’t help themselves. When they are in session, they want to pass bills. This session is no different. Yes, there will be work on the budget. The Trump tax reform bill has an impact on tax revenues collected in Oregon. This is because our income tax system is tied to the federal income tax. Every session, the revenue committees consider what are called federal reconnect bills. This session is no different. The biggest impact on Oregon from federal tax reform is that the federal bill reduced taxes collected on pass-through income from Sub Chapter S Corporations, LLC’s, and others where income is taxed on the personal income tax returns of the business owners. Earlier this week, the Senate Revenue Committee passed a bill that would have disconnected Oregon from the federal tax reduction on pass-through income and would have raised Oregon income tax rates on pass-through income. Apparently, the Chair of the Senate Revenue Committee didn’t count votes. Today, the bill was sent back to committee, from the Senate floor, for further work. So, at this time it is unclear how the Legislature is going to get their hands in your pocket, but rest assured, they are certainly going to try. While the tax picture may be a bit cloudy, it is clear that the environment is on the minds of many legislators. There are two bills that would To join or donate, go to truck-pac! Oregon Legislature 2018 Session of the OTA Members Attend and/or Testify Against Cap and Trade.