OTA Dispatch Issue 4 2017

7 www.ortrucking.org Issue 4 | 2017 and a likely continuation of Kate Brown as Governor, the Democrats will be able to do virtually anything that they want to. A win for us will be amending a bad bill so that it is not as bad as it could have been. I recognize that this is not the most uplifting article; however, unless we have the tools we need to fight back, it could very well be our reality. If you haven’t been convinced that you need to support Truck PAC in the past, I hope that you now realize that providing the necessary funds to allow OTA to do its part to stave off a Democratic super majority in the Oregon Senate may be the only way to save many Oregon trucking companies from going out of business. Oregon needs a strong trucking industry to move its economy, and it is up to us to make that a reality.  If you haven’t been convinced that you need to support Truck PAC in the past, I hope that you now realize that providing the necessary funds to allow OTA to do its part to stave off a Democratic super majority in the Oregon Senate may be the only way to save many Oregon trucking companies from going out of business.