NMDA Journal Winter 2020-21

4 New Mexico Dental Journal, Winter 2020-21 President’s Message Navigating Through COVID-19 and Into a New Year We are all going through a storm in 2020, and I hope that you have felt the presence of your New Mexico Dental Association during this difficult time. Your board and staff have been diligently monitoring what is going on with our state’s dentists, practices, and patients and acting to bring results for you and your practice. We have seen some positive developments such as the head of the CDC oral health divi- sion recently praising dentists and saying there has not been a documented COVID-19 transmission between Dental Health Care Provider (DHCP) and patient or vice versa in the US. The ADA has found the rate of COVID lower in dentists than in the population. As of the time I am writing this near Thanksgiving, the trust placed in the NMDA, which allowed creation of a Dental Advisory Team to self- regulate dentistry, has highlighted the essen- tial role of dentistry in maintaining health. Our practices have continued to provide essential care to serve our patients needs. Some developments have been very chal- lenging. Employees have tested positive and the surge has brought asymptomatic patients into our practices who subsequently test positive. We have provided guidance and strongly advocated for dental offices and for adherence to uniform, recognized standards. We have had timely, open, and frequent communication with all relevant state authorities on behalf of dental offices and found much agreement. The surge in cases in November has been very distressing, but the news of the eminent release of highly effective vaccines offers us great hope and ending the deaths, morbidity, and damage to our society from this virus. It has been the NMDA’s top priority this year to be more than advocates and advisers, but also to listen, communicate, and lead. Our town halls have allowed dentists to give us their questions, concerns, and feedback, but we are always available for you by phone or email as well. Please reach out if we can help or if you have any ideas that you think we should implement. Many of our best ideas have come straight from member’s communication. Your NewMexico Dental Association Founda- tion has also faced challenges, but under the leadership of NMDAF InterimDirector Trish Rule, the foundation has provided a Depart- ment of Health Approved COVID Safe denture clinic and the PreDental Mentor meeting was still held this year (virtually). Our foundation is our charity. It is vital to our practices in New Mexico and needs your support. Please con- sider donating at the close of 2020 to support these wonderful people and their work on our behalf at nmdentalfoundation.org . Outside of our COVID efforts, the NMDA con- tinues its other work. I am excited about a program we are doing to help dentists understand and speak with patients, employers, and lawmakers in an effective way about complex third-party payer (den- tal insurance) interference issues. This will also be a great springboard for lobbying. We have also been in discussion on other prom- ising efforts in this arena for action. Our annual Fiesta speakers for June 9–12, 2021, will be truly exceptional and we are hoping that we may be allowed to have a socially dis- tanced live meeting with a hybrid virtual component. Save the Date! Our other con- tinuing education events will be virtual on January 15, February 5–6, and March 26. They will offer great content and speakers as well. Honestly, for the value provided, they are a steal. I encourage you to sign up, you will be happy you did so. Also, please don’t forget to renew your membership. Thank you so much for your support of our collective efforts through your NMDA to advance our profes- sion and advocate for your empowerment and against interference with your practice. Respectfully Yours, Michael Sparks NMDA President 2020–2021 office 505-291-9000 office@abqperio.com Michael Sparks