NMDA Journal Summer 2020
32 New Mexico Dental Journal, Summer 2020 Classified Ads/Employment Opportunities CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING $50 MINIMUM FOR 30 WORDS. 25 cents for each additional word. Email text with billing information to: RONNIE JACKO AT
[email protected] OR CALL 503-445-2234. NMDAMembers receive a 10% discount on classified ads. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE INTRAORAL X-RAY SENSOR REPAIR/SALES We repair broken sensors. Save thousands in replacement costs. Specializing in Kodak/ Carestream, and major brands. We also buy/ sell sensors. American SensorTech 919-229-0483 www.repairsensor.com . PRACTICE FOR SALE OR LEASE ROSWELL DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE Lovely remodeled practice with 3 digital ops +1 plumbed. Collections over $350k with nearly 1,450 FFS/PPO patients. Strong hy- giene department. Real estate also for sale. Email
[email protected] and refer- ence NMTTBEBU. PRACTICE FOR SALE OR LEASE ROSWELL DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE Grossing over $1.1mil consistently, this high- ly profitable practice has 5 ops and over 4,800 active patients. E4D, Conebeam, digital x-rays, the works! Email becky@ paragon.us.com and reference #NMANBEMO. DENTAL OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE IN NE ALBUQUERQUE (Eubank and Montgom- ery), 4 ops, networked, private Dr office, great low overhead space, $300,000. Inqui- ries call 505-301-9308, or email drtuggle@ sandiaoralsurgery.com.
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