NMDA Journal Spring 2020

6 New Mexico Dental Journal, Spring 2020 Kathyleen M. Kunkel Cabinet Secretary Michelle Lujan Grisham Governor February 18, 2020 New Mexico Dental Journal Editor: Shelly Fritz DDS Thank you for sharing the Senate Memorial 96 Task Force report with the New Mexico Dental Association’s membership. The Sen- ate Memorial 96 legislative mandated a Task Force to study ways to expand Medic- aid dental care for those children enrolled in Medicaid. The legislation also identified the makeup of the Task Force, which was expanded to include other providers who could contribute to the mandate. Different stakeholders were invited to participate in the discussion included Dr. Tom Schripsema, DDS at the first meeting. The Task Force examined each area of the Memorial: expansion of participation of the provider network accepting Medicaid, increasing the number of providers enrolled in Medicaid, reimbursement rates to Medic- aid providers, ways to increase access for Medicaid patients, and ways to drive down the number and cost of Medicaid acute dental visits over time. As each area was discussed, the members identified the cur- rent policies, gaps, barriers, and recom- mended action items to address each of the five areas. The Task Force members identified several actions to take to improve access to oral health care, reduce tooth decay, and pro- mote oral health among the targeted popu- lation. The Task Force members clearly took the time to discuss the barriers and gaps of the Medicaid program and its clients. The Task Force recognized there are some issues that need further research and resolution, such as the current number of dental pro- viders serving Medicaid patients and short- age areas where Medicaid patients are not receiving services. The Task Force's objective is to continue working to resolve these and other issues as identified in the list of recommendations. The Task Force will propose strategies to improve the oral health status of Medicaid enrolled children. With the continued sup- port and participation of the New Mexico LETTER TO THE EDITOR Rudy Blea, Office of Oral Health, SM 96 Task Force Facilitator With the continued support and participation of the NewMexico Dental Association and the other task forcemembers, we can improve the oral health status of all NewMexicans.