NMDA Journal Fall 2020

20 New Mexico Dental Journal, Fall 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Yikes…COVID-19 has truly rocked the world as we know it back on its heels. Your NMBDHC is no exception. All of your serving NMB- DHC dentists are in private practice, so we are sharing all your challenges and pain. The Board support staff are working from home per Department protocols. If you are using the US Postal Ser- vice to send your documents to the Board, please plan ahead and do so in a timely manner. Please go to the NMBDHC website—you can find most of the necessary forms and relevant information relating to your license and can communicate by e-mail with board staff efficiently. Meetings, Hearings, and Continuing Education NMBDHC meetings and disciplinary hearings are being held via Zoom-type web meetings. You are welcome to attend and partici- pate per protocol, so reach out to the NMBDHC staff for informa- tion. We welcome your input. Your Board understands the reality of online conferences and continuing education in this time of COVID- 19. Keep honest and accurate records of your CEU’s that you submit for your licensure. COVID-19 and Your Office Protocols Your NMBDHC members are active in the Dental Advisory Taskforce along with your fellow NMDA leaders. Please keep up with the evolv- ing guidelines and protocols of the CDC, the ADA, and the NMDA. Now would be a good time to review and update your office proto- cols regarding infection control, use of barriers, isolation of treat- ment areas, use of PPE, staffing, and patient communication. It is still your responsibility as a dentist to provide safe and appropriate dental care, even under the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic. Anesthesia, Sedation, and the Use of Opioids Please take a few minutes to review your office protocol for the lev- els of anesthesia, sedation, and opioid therapy you use in your practice. Make sure you are registered in the PMP. Make sure you understand and comply with SB 221 and the use of opioid antago- nists. You must get a permit from the NMBDHC for the appropriate level of sedation you administer to your patients. You must file an affidavit for the higher levels of sedation. You are responsible for the safety of your patient. Make sure your charting and records are accurate representations of your patient care. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse! Membership on the NMBDHC Members of the NMBDHC are appointed by the Governor of the State of New Mexico. The duration of term of service and term limits apply. Members serve at the pleasure of the Governor. If you are interested in serving on the NMBDHC you can contact the Office of the Governor. Serving your profession and protecting the public of New Mexico is an Honor. Be strong! Stay safe! God Bless you and your loved one in these difficult times. AMessage fromYour NewMexico Board of Dental Health Care By L. Paul Balderamos, DDS, MS, FACP; Vice-Chairman, New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care