NMDA Journal Winter 2019-20

nmdental.org 19 being uphill battles if not managed correctly. I think the bigger consideration than the finan- cial aspect is what population would you like to cater towards to fill your practice? Look at the city or town you are in, find out where the bigger need is, and see how your ideal practice fits in best. In the end, you need your practice to both serve your patients and serve your own interests. If it leans too much in the direc- tion of serving your patients good but leaves you short in some way you will probably burn yourself out. And if you serve only yourself and your own goals and short your relationship to patients in either quality or quantity then you may feel inadequate or unfulfilled over the years. So as long as your decision as to accept insurance or not leaves you in a place where you are still comfortably in charge of who to treat, when to treat, and how to treat, and you serve yourself and your patients, you should enjoy your decision. If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to contact Joe at jgherard7217@gmail.com