NMDA Journal Summer 2019

nmdental.org 7 Dental Corps collar insignia pins that I had placed in an outline of the State of New Mexico that I had carved in blue inlay wax. The wax mock-up medal was taken to Beauchamp’s Jewelers who had the med- al created by one of their custom jewelry suppliers. I still have a plastic replica of the original mock-up with a rubber-based impression of the wax-up that I saved simply because I hate to throw things away. A plaque was created, upon which was written a sentiment that I had penned, a sentiment that was truly heart-felt. This project that I had been assigned had become bigger than life. It became an effort that I quickly realized would fall short of its goal. For no medal, no plaque, no speech of appreciation could ever repay a man such as this for everything he had done for our profession in New Mexico. And, while the presentation at our state’s annual session was accom- panied by a Legislative Citation naming a day to be called Ralph Lopez Day in New Mexico offered by Ex-Governor Bruce King, the ceremony was bitter-sweet. Ralph expressed appreciation for the honor, but clearly, he knew that he was being put 'out-to-pasture'. Those of us who attended the ceremony in the foyer of the Albuquerque Conven- tion Center knew how hollow was the ring of the ceremony. We knew we were watching an end to an era. We watched in sublime apprecia- tion, our throats aching with suppressed emotion as Ralph graciously accepted the medal. That year, at the annual session of the NMDA, the Executive Council (later to be called the House of Delegates) announced that another Legislative Chair had been named. At the next legislative session, the Association announced that it had hired a registered lobbyist—a young firebrand by the name of Joseph Menapace, and the annual Pre-Session legislative party at Ralph’s home in Santa Fe failed to be funded. The Medal of Distinction had served to recognize Ralph’s career as a driv- ing force in organized dentistry, but sadly, it also marked the end of this great man’s influence on the legislative process for our organization. Perhaps, now, you can appreciate the irony of the award now to be pre- sented to me. The Medal of Distinction was created to acknowledge a level of achievement that I couldn’t even imagine equaling. It is an award that might easily be re-titled the 'Ralph Lopez Medal of Distinction'—an appellation that would indelibly memorialize the man—a man whose ac- complishments will probably never be equaled by us mere mortals. Perhaps, now, you will understand how difficult it will be for Larry and me to get through the presentations of the medals with any degree of aplomb and dignified composure. And, perhaps now, you will understand what a great thrill the call I received from you, Dale, was to me. And now, my friend, you know the rest of the story. Editor’s Note: Isadora Voda and Eugene Purtell are also recipients of the Medal of Distinction The Story Behind the NMDA Medal of Distinction Award