NMDA Journal Summer 2019

nmdental.org 25 Michael Brown, DDS Receives Lubar Spirit of Service Award New Mexico Dental Association Foundation The New Mexico Dental Association Foun- dation recently presented Michael Brown, DDS with the 2019 Lubar Spirit of Service Award . This Award is named after Dr. Larry Lubar who served as the Chair of the first New Mexico Mission of Mercy in 2010. Dr. Brown received the Award during the NM MOM Volunteer Appreciation Dinner in Las Cruces. The Lubar Spirit of Service Award was estab- lished to honor a dentist who has demon- strated a heart for serving, bold leadership and the ability to unite colleagues in sup- port of New Mexico Mission of Mercy. NM MOM is a free, two-day dental/medical clinic and is the state’s largest charity event. Dr. Brown has participated in five NM MOM clinics, including Co-Chair of the 2017 event in Albuquerque. He has also held various leadership positions on the boards of the New Mexico Dental Association and the New Mexico Dental Association Foundation. During Dr. Brown’s 40-year career, he has practiced dentistry in the military, private practice, correctional facilities, and in nurs- ing homes. He also served as clinical dentist at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Dental Hygiene program. Dr. Brown is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Kansas City Dental School and holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. • The Board has received less complaints this year, which is a welcome sign. Part of this effort is due to the NMDA allowing the Board to have an ongoing section to publish news and reminders in the Journal . I want to thank Dr. Paul Balderamos, Vice-Chair, for his willingness to write these updates, and for Dr. Shelly Fritz for continually staying after himwith“gentle”reminders. • So now for the large task ahead of us at the Board—making rules for the newly defined Dental Therapist in NM. This will be the focus for the Board after the Rules Hearing in October. I have assembled a great team to help with this and hope to have drafts ready for review by the end of this year. The Board will not vote on dental therapy rules until sometime next year. Be assured that we will do everything we can to write rules to help make this a meaningful dental provider in NM, but still focusing on our main purpose in protecting the public. • Teledentistry—we dodged a bullet there. I want to thank Governor Lujan-Grisham for vetoing this dangerous bill. • New IT and renewals—the state now is doing all renewals online. I renewed my license this year without any problems. I expect this should be a smooth transition, but please be patient, as we know that state organizations can be limited at times due to state resources. Make sure the Board office has your current email. • Here are the numbers of active license and certificate-holders as of May 22, 2019: Dentists: 1487; Hygienists: 1335; EFDA: 63; Assistants: 2842; CDHC: 5; NDOs: 37. We usually have a large increase in June due to new graduates. • If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to email me at the address below. We have an excellent Board and I personally thank Drs. Paul Balderamos, Jolynn Galvin, Dave Warren, and Burrell Tucker. They volunteer their time and talents to help our Profession and the citizens of NM. Thank themwhen you see them this weekend! • And lastly, my highest congratulations to my friends and mentors, Drs. Fritz, Gherardi, Schripsema andWarren, for their awards this year. We have greatly benefited from their contributions, loyalty, and tireless devotion to the membership and the profession. I am very thankful for their support and guidance to me over the many years, and only hope that their wisdom continues to inspire all of us who have had the honor to serve and work alongside them.