NMDA Journal Fall 2019

nmdental.org 27 Laurel Road states that dentists save $30,000 on average and many save substantially more. David’s accountant told him he would save $100,000. I would like to ask every member of the NMDA to please reach out to one young dentist. Help them feel that they are welcome in organized dentistry. Let them know their colleagues and the NewMexico Dental Association care about their success. Tell themwe want them to feel like an important newmember of organized dentistry and the NMDA. Let them know that we want them to feel a part of an organization (the NMDA) and not just like they are writing a check. Express to them that the NMDA is there to support them to make themmore success- ful, especially help in areas that individuals cannot do by themselves. Also, please continue pass on your experiences with our endorsed companies, both positive and negative. Let us know if you are getting a cost savings and higher levels of service. You can email me at sparksperio@yahoo.com with feedback that I can anonymously share it in future articles and which we can use to add or change our endorsements.