NMDA Journal Summer 2018

22 New Mexico Dental Journal, Summer 2018 including the frail elderly, lack access to necessary basic care. Approximately one-third of community-dwelling elderly have untreated coronal or root caries, and other oral health problems including periodontal disease, attrition, missing teeth not replaced, abrasion and erosion, broken or failing older dental restorations, dry mouth, mucosal diseases, oral cancer, and alveolar ridge atrophy  1 (Fig 7) A major question is whether older adults today, as well as baby boomers who are entering their seventies within this decade, will demand and receive dental care as part of their overall well-being. The current cohort of elders varies widely in its use of dental services, from regular preventive users to non-users who report that they have not been to a dentist in more than twenty years.  27 We, as dental professionals, must be well prepared to identify, interpret and manage appropriately oral changes that come about with the aging process. After all, themouth is indeed a “mirror” that reflects with a high degree of predictability our overall sense of well-being. And the way a society treats its elderly is a mirror upon itself. Endnotes 1 Ship, J.A. (2010). Clinician’s Guide: Oral Health in Geriatric Patients . In Laudenbach, J.M., Jacobson, P.L., Mohammad, A. R., Navazesh, M., Patton, L.L., Yepes, J.F. Eds. (3rd ed.). Hamilton, Ontario: BC Becker 2 Allen, P.F. (2002). Teeth for Life for Older Adults . Wilson, N.H.F., Editor-In Chief. London: Quintessence, 1–17 3 Yellowitz, J. A., & Strayer, M. S. (2004). Geriatric dental care. In Harris, N. O., & Garcia Godoy, F., Eds. Primary preventive dentistry . (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 589–604 4 Helgeson, M., Smith, B. J., Johnsen, M., & Ebert, C. (2001). Frail elderly adults. In Health Resources and Services Administration. Proceedings of a conference on Dental Care Considerations of Disadvantaged and Special Care Populations. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration. (U. S. Government Printing Office: 2001, 491–191/43013 5 Shay, K. (2000). Restorative considerations in the dental treatment of the older patient. Gen Dent , 48(5):550–53 6 Burke, F. M., & Samarawickrama, D. Y. D. (1995). Progressive changes in the pulpo dentinal complex and their clinical consequences. Gerodontology , 12:57 7 Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. (2016). Older Americans 2016: Key Indicators of Well-Being . Key Indicator 16 of the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved on 04/19/2018, from www.agingstats.gov 8 Report of the World Health Organization. (2002). Active ageing: A policy framework. Aging Male , 5(1):1–37 9 Satcher, D. (2000). Oral Health in America: A report of the Surgeon General . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 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Accessed on January 22, 2010 15 Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. (2016). Older Americans 2016: Key Indicators of Well-Being . Key Indicator 16 of the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved on 05/01/2018, from www.agingstats.gov 16 Mehrotra, V., Devi, P., Venakappa Bhovi, T., Jyoti, B. (2010) Mouth as a mirror of systemic diseases. Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences July-December 2010, 8(2):235–241 17 Rose, L. F., Steinberg, B.J., Minsk, L. (2000, October). The relationship between periodontal disease and systemic conditions. Compendium Continuing Education in Dentistry , 21 (10A): 870–877 18 Larsen P.D. (2006). Chronicity. In Lubkin, I.M.; Larsen, P.D, Eds. Chronic Illness. Impact and Interventions . (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Inc.: Sudbury, MA, 3–22. 19 Isaza-Guzmán, D.M., Medina-Piedrahíta, V.M., Gutiérrez-Henao, C., Tobón-Arroyave, S.I. (2017) Salivary Levels of NLRP3 Inflammasome-Related Proteins as Potential Biomarkers of Periodontal Clinical Status. Journal of Periodontology , (88)12:1329– 1338. Online publication date: 22-Nov-2017 20 American Academy of Periodontology Task Force Report on the Update to the 1999 Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions* (2015) Journal of Periodontology , July 2015; 86(7):835–838. https://doi. org/10.1902/jop.2015.15700 21 Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation, Inc. 10701 Parkridge Blvd. Suite 170, Reston, VA 20191. Accessed 25 April 2018 22 “Oral Cancer Facts” NYU Oral Cancer Center , www.nyuoralcancer.org/oral_cancer/oral_ cancer_facts.html. Accessed 9 Feb. 2018 23 “Oral Cancer Incidence (New Cases) by Age, Race, and Gender.” National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research , 2004, www.nidcr. nih.gov/DataStatistics/FindDataByTopic/ OralCancer/OralCancerIncidence.htm. Accessed 9 Feb. 2018 24 “Taking the Fight to Oral Cancer” (2018). AGD Impact . April 2018; 46(4):15 25 Pappas, P.G., Kauffman, C.A., Andes, D.R., Clancy, C.J., et. al. (2016) Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Candidiasis: 2016 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Infectious Diseases , 62(4): e1–e50, https://doi. org/10.1093/cid/civ933 26 Prine, J. www.metrolyrics.com/hello-in- there-lyrics-john-prine.htm. Accessed 29 April, 2018 27 Kelly, M.C., Caplan, D.J., Bern-Klug, M., Cowen, H.J., Cunningham-Ford, M.A., Marchini, L, Momany, E.T. (2018). Preventive dental care among Medicaid-enrolled senior adults: from community to nursing facility residence. Journal of Public Health Dentistry , 78(1): 86–92 Fig 7—Attrition, worn dentition , failing restorations, dry oral tissues, and untreated caries commonly seen in the elderly. This patient’s dentition consists of ten maxillary and ten mandibular teeth. (Photograph by Charles Tatlock, DDS, MPH) continued from page 21 Oral Changes Associated with Aging