Spring 2018

11 nmdental.org pharmacological treatment modalities or non-pharmacological therapies. Contact us if you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding the NM Prescription Monitoring Program. Most technical questions (such as browser or application issues, login assistance, basic troubleshooting for prescription requests, etc.) can be resolved by the Appriss Customer First Center; however, the NM Board of Pharmacy has additional staff to assist with non-technical questions (such as correcting user accounts, registrations, etc.).  Appriss Customer First Center 1-844-366-4767  NM Board of Pharmacy 1-505-222-9847 or nm.pmp@state.nm.us Peter Ryba is the Prescription Monitoring Pro- gram Director with the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy. Peter graduated the University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy with a PharmD doctorate in 2013. He has experience with retail pharmacy, mail order pharmacy, and health plan administration, all of which focused on compli- ance and regulations. References:  1. NCHS Data Brief, Number 294, December 2017  2. www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/prescribing/guideline.html  3. The American Academy of Pain Medicine. AAPM facts and figures on pain. http://www.painmed.org/patientcenter/facts_ on_pain.aspx#incidence. New Mexico Administrative Code PRESCRIPTION MONITORING PROGRAM (PMP) REQUIREMENTS: A. Any dentist who holds a federal drug enforcement administration registration and a NewMexico controlled substance registration shall register with the board of pharmacy to become a regular participant in the PMP inquiry and reporting. B. A dentist may authorize delegate(s) to access the prescription monitoring report consistent with board of pharmacy regulation 16.19.29 NMAC. While a dentist’s delegate may obtain a report from the state’s prescription monitoring program, the dentist is solely responsible for reviewing the prescription monitoring report and documenting the receipt and review of the report in the patient’s medical record. C. Before a dentist prescribes or dispenses for the first time a controlled substance in Schedule II, III, IV or V to a patient for a period greater than four days, or if there is a gap in prescribing the controlled substance for 30 days or more, the dentist shall review a prescription monitoring report for the patient for the preceding 12 months. When available, the dentist shall review similar reports from adjacent states. The dentist shall document the receipt and review of such reports in the patient’s medical record. D. A prescription monitoring report shall be reviewed a minimum of once every three months during the continuous use of a controlled substance in Schedule II, III, IV or V for each patient. The dentist shall document the review of these reports in the patient’s medical record. Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing a dentist from reviewing prescription monitoring reports with greater frequency than that required by this section. E. A dentist does not have to obtain and review a prescription monitoring report before prescribing, ordering, or dispensing a controlled substance in Schedule II, III, IV or V; (1) for a period of four days or less; or (2) to a patient in a nursing facility; or (3) to a patient in hospice care. F. Upon review of a prescription monitoring report for a patient, the dentist shall identify and be aware of a patient currently: (1) receiving opioids from multiple prescribers; (2) receiving opioids and benzodiazepines concurrently; (3) receiving opioids for more than 12 consecutive weeks; (4) receiving more than one controlled substance analgesic; (5) receiving opioids totaling more than 90 morphine milligram equivalents per day; (6) exhibiting potential for abuse or misuse of opioids and other controlled substances, such as over-utilization, requests to fill early, requests for specific opioids, requests to pay cash when insurance is available, receiving opioids from multiple pharmacies. G. Upon recognizing any of the above conditions described in Paragraph (10) of Subsection F of 16.5.57 NMAC, the dentist shall refer to the guidelines outlined in NMAC.