Winter 2017-18

4 New Mexico Dental Journal, Winter 2018 Leadership President’s Message Beware of the Wave Seems a blur since the NMDA’s Annual Convention in June; and while most of you were building, maintaining, or growing a practice; some significant undertakings—and accomplish- ments—were taking place. The Fall Symposium had five exceptional speakers. Our very own Drs. Marc Gladney, Gary Cuttrell, and Shelly Fritz gave excellent presentations on ‘special needs’ dentistry. Their commitment to serve these special people is more than praiseworthy. Dr. Tom Schripsema gave an overview of the benefits of ADA-NMDA membership. And, Dr. Brett Kessler gave an eye-opening lecture on the dangers of opiates and other mind and body altering drugs—just excellent! The NMDA Foundation sponsored another invigorating and successful Pre-Dental Student Dinner in November. And in July; ADA President Dr. Gary Roberts and 14th District Trustee Dr. Dan Klemmedson joined NM’s and Arizona’s Dental Associa- tion Executive Directors for constructive Native-American site visits advancing oral health and the Community Dental Health Coordinator. Of noteworthy importance were the reinstatement of fluoride in NM’s most populous community’s water supply, and the NMDA- Foundation’s Mission of Mercy held in September. These were about a community of volunteerism answering our mission’s call to promote oral and general health care in NM while fostering awareness of our profession’s obligation to society. Filled with undue and questionable delays, the reinstatement of fluoridation at the optimal, safe and effective standard set by the Center for Disease Control by a 5-2 vote was finally approved by the regional water authority. In the end they heard and trusted the experts and the science—having heard from numerous institutions competent of credible analysis and reporting. They also heard from resident supporters, neighbor- hood associations, coalitions of neighborhood associations, and the dental-medical-health community. And they heard of the crisis in our state of rampant decay and other forms of oral disease—particularly in children. They understood that the best investment made is prevention—and that fluoridation plays a major part in it. In late September, hundreds of volunteers, vendors, sponsors, lab technicians, and health professionals stepped up to carry out yet another successful MOM in Albuquerque. The logis- tics involved are staggering and yet we get it done effectively time and again—well deserved kudos to our NMDA Foundation principals. The true measurement of accomplishment by which these charitable events should be measured is the considerable effort to organize, educate, and treat thousands of people that might not otherwise have had their dental problems addressed. Our special thanks to all the sponsors—large and small—for their invaluable support; and to all those volunteers—from all walks of life, careers, and professions—we couldn’t have done it without you. Your leadership and staff continue to represent and carry out your interests. With attendance at various conferences, caucuses, and meetings; there is no shortage of fresh insight gained regarding compelling issues affecting our profession and NMDA’s interests. Those interests were brought forth at the ADA National Convention in Atlanta—NMDA is more than adequately represented by its delegates, Drs. Dale Goad and Julius Manz. Our ADA District 14 continues to be the most inno- vative and forward thinking of all respective districts. Because the NMDA has limited resources compared to other state associations, we’re fortunate to have such an accom- plished and capable staff: Dr. Tom Schripsema, Nancy Arenas, and Michael Moxey. I still marvel at the job our staff accom- plishes day-in and day-out. We’re also blessed with dedicated professionals having a long history of involvement in our asso- ciation. During the MOM, (‘Sister’) Dr. Shelly Fritz was recog- nized for her sustained commitment to the NMDA and dentistry, receiving the 2017 Lubar Spirit of Service Award—presented by Dr. Lubar himself. NMDA has numerous long-standing members also deserving in their own way. They’re a valuable resource available to young dentists just for the asking. We continuously strive to do a better job of communicating with our membership. We appreciate your help with encour- aging new and continuous membership—and involvement—in our association. I know there’s concern that the ADA-NMDA’s process can be slow—I share it—but if you want ‘more nimble,’ I encourage your involvement in leadership positions and your work to make it happen. Your career will pass in a flash—why not make a difference in your profession? I'm just so proud to be part of it. Respectfully, Joe L. Valles, DDS NMDA President 2017–2018 joevalle  • 505-243-3535 Joe L. Valles, DDS