HCAOA Preview Program 2020
Rediscover the Magic of Home Care 2020 HCAOA Annual Leadership Conference 15 Home Care Partnership with Health Care Continuum Gale Bohling, Director of Government Relations & Sherry Pemberton, VP of Sales BrightSpring Health Services This session will discuss the emerging and changing roll of Home Care as a partner in the Health Care continuum. Discussion topics will include: safe return home, reduction in ER visits, reduced hospitalization, working with MCO and ACOs, performance contracts, impact studies, high touch low cost intervention, and the role of habitation. Sessions Home Care Mergers and Acquisitions: Opportunities and Threats in a Post-COVID World Stephen Tweed, CEO Home Care CEO Forum The COVID Crisis of 2020 has impacted home care companies in many ways. One of those ways is the opportunities it has created for stronger companies to grow while other companies are immobilized. One of the major trends in our industry is the growth of agencies through acquisition. The industry is consolidating as larger companies acquire smaller companies. How will this trend affect you and your agency? Is it an opportunity to grow and become stronger? Is it a threat created by stronger competition in your local market? Is it an opportunity for owners to exit after a successful career in home care? In this interactive presentation, Stephen will explore the lessons learned through interviews with leaders in large successful home care companies who are growing through acquisitions, and with industry experts on mergers and acquisition. He’ll share his research of home care companies in the top tier of our industry and how they see M&A as a growth strategy.
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