HCAOA Preview Program 2020
Rediscover the Magic of Home Care 2020 HCAOA Annual Leadership Conference 11 Sessions Pushing Past Revenue Plateaus Shelle Womble, Home Care Sales & Operations Coach corecubed One of the biggest challenges for established home care providers is learning how to push past painful revenue plateaus—instead of waiting for business to bounce back. In this session, participants will learn from a highly successful owner who took action and grew her home care business from a local agency to a regional, multi-branch provider by adhering to a structured growth plan. Proven Ways for Providers To Get In Network Effie Carlson, Chief Growth Officer Healthcents, LLC Effie will discuss proven strategies for providers to access closed and/or narrow networks. “Closed” insurance panels are costing providers money and they may not even realize it. By blocking their access to their patients, payors are closing the door on provider’s reimbursement opportunities. Providers don’t have to take no for an answer. There are proven ways for providers to get in network. REMINDER Register Before September 1st to Recieve an Early Bird Discount! Register Today
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