Fall 2018

8 HCAOA The Voice MEMBER NEWS THE HOME CARE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA is accepting nominations for our Faces of Caregiving campaign. Last Fall, HCAOA launched the inaugural Faces of Caregiving campaign—a storytelling project focused on showing the incredible work professional caregivers do every day: their dedication, compassion, and the extraor- dinary value they bring to the jobs they fill and families they serve. The campaign featured the profiles of seven exemplary caregivers from HCAOA member companies around the US. Each week, we showcased a different caregiver and shared his or her story on our website, as well as in the HCAOA Weekly. Faces of Caregiving highlights the selfless, fulfilling, and often-times life-changing work that caregivers commit themselves to every day in every community across the country. These stories show that a career in caregiving can be personally enriching and teach valuable skills, while providing a unique opportunity to connect with people and improve families’ lives. The purpose of this campaign is to demonstrate a care- giver’s deep compassion, commitment to care for their clients as well as their families, and in many cases, heroic dedication to the job. These profiles show the personal connections, close relationships, and far-reaching benefits that are at the center of the home care industry, for clients and caregiv- ers. We hope that the Faces of Caregiving campaign will help more people recognize the potential rewards and opportunities of a career in caregiving and consider it themselves. In addition, Faces of Caregiving highlights one of the fastest growing professions in the US, as the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects home care employment will grow 38 percent from 2014 to 2024, due to the rapid growth in America’s aging population. This will open hundreds of thousands of opportunities for individuals to become professional caregivers like those profiled in the Faces of Caregiving campaign. Please visit www.hcaoa.org/about/faces-of-caregiving/ to nominate a caregiver today! We will begin featuring new caregivers later this Fall. Please note: if you nominated a caregiver for the 2018 Caregiver of the Year Award and selected “yes” when asked whether you would like this individual to be considered for the Faces of Caregiving campaign as well, then your nominee has already been included in the Face of Caregiving nominations. Faces of Caregiving: Tell Us About Your Exceptional Caregiver Today! Please visit www.hcaoa.org/about/faces-of-caregiving/ to nominate a caregiver today!