GDA Action September 2019
36 • September 2019 GDA Foundation Highlights Give Kids A Smile Day was held on the first Friday in February, serving as the annual kick-off to Children’s Dental Health Month in February. In 2019, Governor Brian Kemp signed a proclamation recognizing these two events. S T R O N G The Georgia Denta l Associat ion Foundat ion for Ora l Hea lth posit ively promotes the image of dent ist r y through highl ight ing the impact on indiv idua l l ives prov ided by dent ists commit ted to the hea l ing and overa l l wel lbeing of pat ients . Special Olympics, Special Smiles: The GDA Foundation for Oral Health and GDA members volunteered their times and services at the Special Olympics, Special Smiles Summer Games. 96 Volunteers 200+ Special Olympic athletes screened 228 Procedures Additional Community Outreach and Education: Other screenings and educational events that took place in 2019 to date include Healthcare for the Homeless, Rainbows Reign, and Integrated Health Education Center of Georgia’s Parent Health Education Program. Oral health education kits (distributed for Children’s Dental Health Month) Charitable dental services Children received services 10,000 $700,000+ 3,000
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