GDA Action September 2019

28 • September 2019 STRONG MEMBERSHI P Membership Highlights We met our strategic plan goal in 2018 by increasing full active members by 4%, and membership remains strong in 2019. 3 3 Total 2019 membership is 3,418, representing 97% of the membership from 2018 (as of July 18, 2019). 3 3 89 new members joined GDA in 2019 to date. 3 3 Market share is at 64.8% for total membership and 60.1% for active membership. It will continue to increase over the next several months as we run promotions for new members. Several programs have been implemented as part of the Membership Committee’s initiatives to engage new members, including a new dentist event in June. Thirty-two new dentists attended the event, which received great feedback from those in attendance. GDA is continuing to work with the Dental College of Georgia through monthly lunch and learns, our mentoring program and the Adjunct Faculty Program to help inform the students of the importance of organized dentistry to the profession. 60.1% of Active Licensed Dentists in GA are Members (as of 7/18/19) 3,418 Member Dentists (as of 7/18/19) 89 New Members (as of 7/18/19) Recruitment and retent ion ef for ts cont inue to focus on engaging member dent ists , welcoming new dent ists and members , and creat ing meaningful programs to help dent ists succeed in thei r pract ice.