CNGA LooseLeaf Aug/Sept 2019
12 colorad o LooseLeaf Aug/Sept 2019 A really exciting development for the green industry is downy mildew-resistant impatiens. At Ball Horticulture, PanAmerican Seed introduced their Beacon series and Syngenta introduced the Imara ® XDR series. Both are going to be really important since downy mildew has been devastating to retailers, wholesalers and landscapers. The mildew has been an issue throughout the the world. Though replacements include New Guinea impatiens and begonias, none of them can match the original impatiens in terms of color range and powerful seeds. Breeders say these new varieties with genetic modification help fight off the mildew and overpower it. This year, CSU is doing a trial in its shade garden with both Beacon and Imara, and comparing them to some of the older varieties to confirm that they are mildew resistant. “Some more of our favorite lines of resistant impatiens are the SunPatiens ® for their vigor and beauty, which have really taken off in the last couple years, and include varieties such as ‘Tropical Orange,’” said Gerace. “There’s definitely more coming down the line. The nice part is that if you have sunny and shady areas, these impatiens can take either condition.” Another exciting impatiens is New Guinea impatiens ‘Roller Coaster Hot Pink’ from Dümmen Orange. This variety stands out for the beautiful ruffles on its flowers. Downy Mildew-Resistant Impatiens 1 » continued from previous page The Colorado contingent at the California Spring Trials, left to right: Alex McCoy, Elena Vargas Neail, Dan Gerace, Al Gerace, Mandy Gerace, Marty Gerace, John Gerace, and Dr. Jim Klett.
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