CNGA Looseleaf Oct/Nov 2018

20 colorad o LooseLeaf October/November 2018 More than 160 industry professionals and advanced master gardeners rated approximately 1,100 flowers at the annual trials at Colorado State University on August 7. Featured in this article are five of the initial top-rated plants. We will re-evaluate these and others in mid-September to be sure they are still top rated. New in 2018 was our first advertised Consumer Day on August 11, when we asked the general public to put flags by their top three picks. We had more than 350 consumers attend and choose their favorites. I will also describe five of their top picks. You will see some differences between professional and consumer preferences. The trial garden is planned and maintained each year by the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture with guidance from a committee of growers, flower seed and plant company personnel, and public garden horticulturists. For more information on these and other outstanding annuals from the 2018 trials, visit . Some Professional Top-Rated Annuals The following annuals ranked over 8.0 on a 10-point scale at our August 7 evaluation day. CSU RESEARCH UPDATE By James E. Klett, Ph.D. CSU Professor & Landscape Horticultural Specialist Plant Select® Introductions & Top Performers from the Past Top Performers from Professional & Consumer Day at CSU Annual Flower Trials Angelonia  Archangel™ Purple from Ball Floral Plant This angelonia is a vigorous grower with great darker green foliage and many flowers. The uniform growth habit makes this an excellent plant for mass display or in combination pots. It could also be grown for its cut flower value. Petunia  Supertunia Vista ® Bubblegum from Proven Winners This petunia is continually top rated in our trials year after year. The uniform growth habit on very vigorous plants, along with vibrant color on the many flowers results in its high ranking. The name is a great match to the color of the flower. It prefers sun and takes less moisture once established. Verbena  Lanai ® Upright Twister Water Color from Syngenta This verbena was ranked high due to its unique flower color and number of flowers later into the season. The flowers were numerous on these quite vigorous plants. It would be excellent in containers or in the ground as a ground cover. It performed well in the sun with some additional moisture. It also had excellent leaf mildew resistance. The plants were also very uniform.