April May 2018

colorad o nga.org LooseLeaf  April/May 2018 4 CNGA— HERE FOR THE MEMBERS By Allison Gault, MBA, CAE CNGA Executive Director Preparing for Plant Something 2018 It’s hard to believe it’s already April and the season is in full swing! We know that you’re busy, so the articles in this LooseLeaf issue are intended to be quick, easily digestible and provide some useful tricks and tips. This issue is meant to be shared with everyone in your com- pany, so make sure to place it in a spot where others can read it. Due to your busy schedules, we have a bit of a break in CNGA mem- ber events, but we’re working hard at getting the 2018 Plant Something Program up and running. We’ve expanded the program and are partner- ing with the Denver Botanic Gardens and other public gardens around the state. We will still have our award-winning program and contest, and will add on a theme and recommend specific plants to consumers. The intent of the theme and recommended plants is to provide some educa- tion, highlight a variety of plant material that will build biodiversity, and have another way in which we can quantify the success of the program. The theme for 2018 is Low Maintenance Plants, and the plants we have selected are: Annual: Begonia, Whopper series (Ball) and Big series (Benary) Perennial: Heuchera sanguinea (purple, variegated and apricot) Shrub: Viburnum lantana ‘Mohican’ Grass: Morning Light Miscanthus (up to 7,000 feet elevation) Ornamental Tree: Autumn Brilliance Amelanchier Shade Tree: Catalpa speciose (up to 6,500 feet elevation) Stay tuned for more information about the program. We’ll be reaching out to our retail members regarding displays soon! “For the 2018 Plant Something Program, we are partnering with the Denver Botanic Gardens and other public gardens around the state, adding a theme, and recommending specific plants.”