ATSSA Signal September October 2020

The Signal | September/October 2020 33 The Foundation Getting started is easy. Check out https:// or email [email protected] , or call 540-368- 1701 for help. MAKE SHOPPING COUNT WITH AMAZON SMILE Benefit The ATSS Foundation programs whileshoppingonAmazon. Simplyregister “American Traffic Safety Services Founda - tion” asyour charityof choicewithAmazon Smile ( ). Theneachtime youshop,TheFoundationisrewardedwith 0.5%of thepriceof eligiblepurchases. And it costs you nothing. Amazonalsooffers thisoption through its app. After yousignuponline, simplydown - load the app and then find “Settings” in themainmenuandselect “AmazonSmile.” Donations support Foundationprograms including the RoadwayWorkerMemorial Scholarships, NationalWork ZoneMemo - rial,MartyWeedEngineering Scholarship, and youth programs like the Experience CampsTravel Scholarshipsandwork zone educational activity book.  Names must be submitted by Dec.1 to be included on the Memorial for 2021. The Name Submission Form is available at SKIP DESSERT, BECOME A HERO Workplace giving offers easy way to support Foundation programs Skip the Starbucks. Forego the drive- thru. Pass up the dessert. Steps like that just once a week are all it takes to make a difference in the life of an aspir - ing student who lost a parent to a work zone tragedy and dreams of college and a career. That’s what Workplace Giving is about. It’s as easy as setting up a program in your company that enables employ - ees to contribute to The Foundation through regular payroll deductions. As little as $5 to $10 per paycheck adds up and could provide the funds for the Roadway Worker Memorial Scholarship that student needs to achieve a college education. It also supports all of The Foundation’s other programs. GATHER NAMES, HONOR THE FALLEN The ATSS Foundation needs your help gathering the names of men andwomen who lost their lives inwork zone incidents. The Foundation strives to honor each person by including his or her name on theNational Work ZoneMemorial, which is a living tribute. TheMemorial travels across the country todemonstrate the cost of work zone inci - dents and raise awareness of the need to exercise cautionwhen approaching and traveling through roadway work zones. Volunteering to help gather names is a simple process. 1. Reach out to your state government or local ATSSA chapter for information on individuals who died in a work zone incident. 2. Contact the company that employed the person or the person’s family and encourage them to honor the person by submitting the name. 3. Help the company or family by gathering the information needed to submit the “Name Submission Form.” News Briefs The National Work Zone Memorial is a living tribute, honoring the men and women killed in roadway work zone incidents.