ATSSA Signal September October 2020

The Signal | September/October 2020 5 ATSSA News Midyear goes digital; ATSSA’s Board approves plan and commitments for 2021 Tetschner traveled to the ATSSA Board of Directors meeting in July. Pictured from left are Past Chair Juan Arvizu, Chair Greg Driskell, and Chair-Elect Jeff Johnson. Stacy Tetschner, President & CEO [email protected] W e recently wrapped up Midyear Digital with nearly 400 people participating in our first major virtual event. I checked into some of the council and committeemeetings and enjoyed the interactions during our virtual coffee/social hours. If youmissed the Opening General Session with the outlooks on the economy for our industry, the recording is available online. Six months into the throws of the COVID-19 crisis, many of us are working inways (and even places) we would not have imag - ined just sevenmonths ago. Yet throughout these challenges, changes have emerged that positively affect roadway safety and provide new approaches to collaboration and thinking. Still in my first year in the industry, this is an exciting time to engage in conversations about the future—whether the topic is CAVs and V2X or how the highway bill will be funded in the short and long term. I feel like a sponge—absorbing somuch information as I grow inmy understanding and prepare for an exciting future that continues promoting roadway safety and moves us along the pathway Toward ZeroDeaths on roadways. I’m also seeking to master the alphabet soup-type language that comes with this industry. I recognize how foreign this language is when I use the wrong acronymor cannot Google translate fast enough to keep up with the conversation in a meeting. I appreciate all of you who have provided hints, insights, and cheat sheets to get me up to speed. I amexcitedtoshare thatduring these advancements, challenges, andorien - tations, the ATSSABoard of Direc- tors and management team remain committed to ensur - ing ATSSA is relevant and provides ongoing value. In July, the Board of Directors met to develop strategies for 2021. The group commit - ted to ensuringmembers will be able to utilize ATSSA as their primary source for business success while the Association remains a leading advocate for roadway safety and the industry champion for integrat - ing emerging and innovative roadway safety technologies. Over the next year, we will introduce several new or rede - signed benefits to help you run your business and do your jobs more efficiently. You will see newly designed commu - nications and publications (both print and digital) produced to help you address challenges you may face in real time, a more comprehensive offering of virtual training products to help meet state DOT requirements and increase the knowl - edge and value of your employees, and new programs and ideas to invigorate your business. The big question we are hearing from members and manu - facturers is related to the 51st Annual Convention & Traffic Expo. At the time of this writing, we are still working through the details. Manymembers have told us they want to connect and share products, knowledge, and ideas in person. Others have expressed concerns that January 2021 is too soon for large gatherings and travel. ATSSA remains committed to the safety of ourmembers, their employees, and our staff. We also remain committed to providing a premier educational expe - rience and showcase for the latest roadway safety products and technologies. While no final decision about our annual meeting format has beenmade yet, we will meet and guaran - tee that it will be engaging and informative withmany oppor - tunities to connect either face-to-face or screen-to-screen. Watch for more information soon!