ATSSA Signal September October 2020
The Signal | September/October 2020 31 The Foundation Proceeds from the events allow the nonprofit to fund its programs. They provide Roadway Worker Memorial Scholarships to spouses and depen - dents of workers killed or permanently disabled in work zone incidents. They help maintain the National Work Zone Memorial, whichhonorsmore than1,500 people killed in roadway work zones. They provide youth programs such as travel scholarships to Experience Camps where childrenwho lost a parent, sibling, or caregiver can have fun while working through their grief. They also offer an educational activity book to teach chil - dren about work zone safety. “We awarded a record number of college scholarships this year thanks to the people who supported the events at the 2020 Convention,” said ATSSA Vice Pres - ident of Member Services Donna Clark. “We’re hopeful that continues for 2021.” Fourteen students received scholarships for the 2020–21 academic year to help them achieve their career goals. The 9th Annual Sporting Clays Event will be held at the Lemon Grove Rod and Gun Club in San Diego County. It’s open to 100 shooters and registrations must be received by Nov. 1. Every participant is encouraged to bring his or her own 12-gauge shotgun. Each squad needs at least one member to bring one and be willing to share it with other members of the squad, said Lori Diaz, associate director of The Foundation. The Foundation Fun Run held its inaugu - ral event at this year’s Convention inNew Orleans. The 1-mile course started at the Audubon Aquariumof the Americas and traveled along the boardwalk overlook - ing the Mississippi River. Runners and walkers got a damp start, but enjoyed the early morning exercise. The 2021 event is expected to be a 5k event and offer perks of popular running events such as a participant’s T-shirt and finish - er’s coin. For details and updates, visit The-Foundation. Foundation President David Krahulec, right, encourages participants in January’s inaugural Fun Run before their race along the Mississippi River in New Orleans. Roadway Worker Memorial Scholarship recipient Marcie Walker, right, chats with ATSSA members during the 8th Annual Sporting Clays event held near New Orleans.
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