ATSSA Signal September October 2020
The Signal | September/October 2020 27 Meetings & Conventions 51st Convention & Traffic Expo breaks the mold Plans call for in-person and virtual attendance options If you’ve never experienced ATSSA’s Annual Convention & Traffic Expo, this could be the perfect year. ATSSA’s 2021 event will be a convention likenoneother in its50-yearhistory. Plans currentlycall forboth in-personandvirtual attendance, offeringaway tomakeessen - tial connections toadvanceroadwaysafety whether taking part fromhome or along the shores of the Pacific. At the start of this year, the Association celebrateda half century of progress and looked to the futureof the roadway safety infrastructure industry, but noone at the NewOrleansevent foresawthepandemic that would upend life across the globe. The Traffic Expo provides a great opportunity to learn about the latest tools to employ for roadway safety. Related articles: Foundation Events, p. 29 Public Agency & Marty Weed Engineering Scholarships, p. 32 ATSSA’s members are known for solv - ing safety problems so plans aremoving forward for the51st Annual Convention& Traffic Expo scheduled for Jan. 29–Feb. 2 inSanDiego. At press time, the event was planned for both in-person and virtual attendance. Updates on all Convention detailswill beavailableas theyhappenon ’s blog and events page. As always, the Convention & Traffic Expo will provideaway formembers toconnect with industry leaders, get aglimpseatnew tools and technology, and grow in their expertise througheducationsessionsand quick-hit topics at Traffic Talks. “Thingsmay lookandfeel abitdifferent this year, but members can still expect high- caliber education sessions, ample oppor - tunities for networking, the ever-popular Traffic Expo, and terrific speakers,” said VicePresident ofMember ServicesDonna Clark. “We’ve addressed the challenges
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